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Welch College Online Bachelor of Science in Theological Studies, General Christian Ministries
Welch College

Online Bachelor of Science in Theological Studies, General Christian Ministries

Nashville, USA

127 Hours


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USD 348

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Online Bachelor of Science in Theological Studies, General Christian Ministries

This program of study is designed to prepare Christian leaders (both lay leaders and preachers) to perform various ministries within the local church context. In addition to the objective stated for the Theological Studies (and the Arts and Sciences core,) students will be able to:

  • articulate a practical biblical theology and philosophy of life and ministry;
  • demonstrate skills in a variety of local church ministries;
  • provide leadership in a local church through teaching/preaching, planning, organizing, and overseeing programs of outreach, growth, and maturing of new believers.

The Bachelor of Science in Theological Studies, General Christian Ministries Track is designed to be earned entirely online.


124 hours, with a 2.0 g.p.a. overall in all segments of the degree noted below.

*The Online Orientation course is a one-week prerequisite course that MUST be taken in advance of enrollment in any other courses in the Associate of Arts degree.Sample Core Courses THE 3251. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY I: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY AND WORLDVIEW – This course serves as an introduction to the discipline of theology. The course will define and outline the goals and methods of theology. It will also cover the philosophical issues of truth and epistemology with a goal of defining and defending a Christian worldview in the context of a pluralistic society. THE 4032. ESCHATOLOGY – A study of end events, with some attention given to postmillennialism, but more to millennialism and premillennialism as more commonly held today, focusing on the redemptive covenants and how they contribute to a person’s view of eschatology. IDS 1902, 3101, 4101. Christianity, Culture, and Worldview – These courses will focus on the critical tools and knowledge necessary to forge a basic Christian worldview for Christian leadership in the contemporary world. Each course will cover the same topics but at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, including such subjects as the relationship of the church and culture; cultural apologetics; apologetics for witness; modernity and postmodernity; Christian discernment in the arts, entertainment, and other cultural products, including popular culture; work, leisure, and sport; the benefits and limits of science and technology; contemporary bioethical issues; creation care; engagement in public and civic life; and economic thought. NOTE: Online courses are designed for non-traditional, adult students. This means that applicants must be at least 23 years old. Underage students may submit a written appeal for an exception to take online courses. Appeals are based on extenuating circumstances such as health-related problems (the student or a family member for whom the student is the caretaker), physical disabilities that preclude traditional enrollment, or military service obligations that prevent traditional enrollment. Appeals that are granted for such reasons may result in the student being permitted to enroll in one or two courses and a periodic evaluation of progress. Written appeals should be submitted to the Provost at [email protected] or by U.S. Mail to Provost Welch College 3606 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37205

ENG 1011 Basic English Grammar, Usage, and Composition I3
ENG 1022 Basic English Grammar, Usage, and Composition II3
ENG 2111 Masterpieces of World Literature I3
ENG 2122 Masterpieces of World Literature II3
HIS 1011 History of Western Civilization I3
HIS 1022 History of Western Civilization II3
MUS 1002 Intro to Music and Appreciation3
PHE 2100 Lifetime Fitness2
PHE XXX Activity Elective1
MAT 1101 College Algebra3
SPE 1000 Fundamentals of Speech3
SCI 2204/14 Physical Science Survey/Lab4
SSC 3101 Marriage and the Family3
IDS 1001 Leadership and Calling: Personal Development2
IDS 2001 Leadership and Calling: Leadership Principles2
IDS 1902 Christianity, Culture, and Worldview: Introduction2
SSC 1000 Online Orientation*Pre-Requisite Audit
BIB 1100 Introduction to Biblical Studies2
BIB 1250 Evangelism & Discipleship2
BIB 1011 OT Survey: Law and History3
BIB 1031 NT Survey: Epistles & Revelation3
BIB 2032 OT Survey: Poetry & Prophecy2
BIB 2062 NT Survey: Gospel & Acts2
BIB 2601 Biblical Interpretation3
THE 3251 Systematic Theology I2
THE 3301 Systematic Theology II3
THE 3402 Systematic Theology III3
THE 4032 Eschatology2
Bible and Theology Electives (4 hours at the 3000 level and 6 hours at the 4000 level10
IDS 1902 Christianity, Culture, and Worldview Introduction2
IDS 3101 Christianity, Culture, and Worldview Intermediate2
IDS 4101 Christianity, Culture, and Worldview Capstone2
YFM 2002 Education in the Local Church3
MIN 1011 Local Church & World Missions2
MIN 3601 Christian Counseling3
Ministry Electives (at least 8 hours from the 3000 level or above)16
GENERAL ELECTIVES (All free electives transferred from other institutions must meet the requirements for transfer credits set forth in the Welch College catalog)13 HOURS

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