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Vanderbilt University School of Engineering


The Vanderbilt School of Engineering is internationally recognized for the superior quality of its research and education programs in selected fields of engineering. The School prepares students to become leaders and innovators in solving increasingly challenging and significant problems.

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Our Mission

  1. Produce intellectual leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators by recruiting the best students and providing them a top-notch education.
  2. Deliver scholarship of the highest caliber, published in the most visible venues, addressing important societal problems.
  3. Be a leader in entrepreneurship and innovation, in Tennessee, the U.S., and globally.

The Vanderbilt School of Engineering is internationally recognized for the superior quality of its research and education programs in selected fields of engineering. The School prepares students to become leaders and innovators in solving increasingly challenging and significant problems. The School includes five major departments and the Division of General Engineering:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • General Engineering

The School also offers programs in:

  • Engineering Management
  • Engineering Science
  • Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science

The School strives to meet the undergraduate education portion of its mission by offering these degree programs in fields of engineering relevant to the needs of society. An objective of these programs is to provide a technical education integrated with strong humanities, fine arts, and social sciences subject matter to provide the requisite foundation for life-long learning. The availability of second majors and minors in subject areas in other schools and colleges of the university increases opportunities for engineering students to enhance their education by pursuing studies in non-technical disciplines.

Fast Facts about the Vanderbilt School of Engineering

  • Vanderbilt University Board of Trust voted to create the Engineering Department in 1886.
  • Bachelor of Engineering degree programs in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
  • The bachelor of science degree in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET. The accredited program in computer science is the primary major administered by the School of Engineering. Computer science added as a second major by students outside the School of Engineering is not an accredited program.
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  • Student/faculty ratio: 14-1
  • Full-time Teaching Faculty Total (incl. T/Tk faculty): 133
  • Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty: 100
  • Non-Teaching Research Faculty and Staff: 135
  • Undergraduate student population: 1444 (Fall 2018)
    • 32% women
    • 24% underrepresented minorities in engineering
    • 11% International
  • >62% of engineering students receive some form of financial aid
  • Undergraduate Degrees awarded (2016-2017)
    • 255 B.E.
    • 105 B.S.
  • Graduate student/faculty ratio: 5-1
  • Graduate Student population: 538; 439 Ph.D., 73 M.S./M.Eng. (Fall 2018)
  • Ranked No. 37 in the 2019 annual graduate rankings by U.S. News & World Report (released March 2018)
  • Graduate Degrees awarded (2016-2017)
    • 56 M.S.
    • 16 M.E.
    • 58 Ph.D.
  • Of the graduates who sought employment, over 90 percent had jobs within six months of graduation.
  • After graduation, 20 percent of graduates go to graduate school and 15 percent go to professional schools.

    Ranked No. 38 in the 2019 annual undergraduate engineering rankings by U.S. News & World Report (released September 2018).

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    • Nashville

      2301 Vanderbilt Place PMB 351826, TN 37235-1826, Nashville

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      Vanderbilt University School of Engineering