The University of Patras is one of the most dynamic universities in Greece. As evidenced by its great achievements in the field of research and its international recognition, the University remains goal-oriented to excellence in research and teaching; extroversion both individually and collectively; and the formation of new social and technological conditions for the transition to the digital age. In our times, it is necessary to constantly acquire new knowledge and skills, and forge a dynamic model of University, which follows the development of international reforms and adjusts to an increasingly competitive globalized environment.
This is achieved with flexibility, boldness, passion, knowledge and constant vigilance; and further accomplished by respecting individuality, on which collectivity is based, and demonstrating genuine care for the protection of human rights and free expression of one's opinion, all of which define an intellectually-oriented Institution and those who serve Science, Letters and Culture. University of Patras (UPatras) is one of the most distinguished universities nationally and internationally owing to its manifold and innovative action in Natural Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, and Social and Economic Sciences, along with its remarkable research activity.
The University was founded in 1964 with the vision of becoming widely recognised for cultivating the spirit of international cooperation and scientific progress. In 2013, the University of Western Greece was integrated into UPatras. In 2019, the majority of the Departments of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece were also integrated into UPatras. To manage its premises and facilities in the cities of Patras, Messolonghi, and Agrinio, the University has adopted the principles of sustainable development.
Rio Campus is located at a close distance from the historical centre of Patras, Greece's third-largest city, where the development of new technologies is vastly supported. In 2018, UPatras was the first Institution in Greece to receive accreditation for its Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), in compliance with the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) Quality Standards as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). In more than 50 years of presence, UPatras has implemented an international orientation and adopted the European Strategy. In this context, it participates in various programs, consortia and agreements with other universities, research institutes and organizations abroad, with notable distinctions and significant research activity. Great importance is attached to the production of knowledge and the transformation of research results into measurable impact on society as well as the economy and innovation.
UPatras develops and implements actions and initiatives for achieving quality, cutting-edge and innovative research; promoting excellence; and creating a suitable research environment for its community To make a strong scientific, economic and social imprint, the University is constantly broadening the scope of its activities, thus providing significant research and innovation development opportunities within it (new financing instruments, internationalization, synergies with the private sector) and building links with industry, society and policymakers.
The study programs offered at the University of Patras are designed in such a way as to provide the appropriate knowledge, abilities and skills to its graduates so that they can face emerging global social, economic and cultural challenges. The design and implementation of transnational foreign language study programs, which have an international character in terms of their purpose, the way they are delivered and the learning outcomes they produce, contribute decisively to the reputation and international visibility of the University of Patras and are a competitive advantage for the attraction of foreign students. Our main goal and constant commitment is to improve the quality of the education provided and to create an extroverted educational system, which will be in interaction with the educational systems of other countries in today's globalized environment.