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University of Hartford Online


Discover the benefits and conveniences of online learning at the University of Hartford.

Discover the benefits and conveniences of online learning at the University of Hartford. What makes UHart's online programs different and better than others? For starters, you won’t feel isolated. Our professors give you personal attention and encourage interaction so that you feel part of a community.

  • Professors are supportive and responsive.
  • You can get career advice and guidance in your job search.
  • You have the option of attending some courses on campus for a blended approach.
  • You are taught by full-time professors, not teaching assistants or instructors.

Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!

Try a free PTE Taster Test today

  • Hartford

    200 Bloomfield Avenue West Hartford, CT 06117, , Hartford

University of Hartford Online