Máster de Formación Permanente en Trabajo Social Forense
Madrid, Spain
10 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 2,500 *
Distance Learning
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
A1 Basic legal concepts applied to social expertise (4ECTS)
- Basic Concepts of Civil Law
- Basic Concepts of Criminal Law
- Basic Concepts of Penitentiary Law
- Basic Concepts of Procedural Law
- Juvenile jurisdiction
- Free legal aid
The purpose of the subject is to provide students with the theoretical-practical instruments of each of these disciplines that serve as an introduction and theoretical support to the rest of the Master's content.
B1 Administration of Justice and Social Work
- Organization and operation of the Administration of Justice
- History of social work in the Administration of Justice
- Assignment and institutional dependency
- Competences of the social work professional in the Administration of Justice: expertise, assistance, follow-up, and accompaniment
After explaining the organization and operation of the Administration of Justice and the historical fit of Social Work, both the system of affiliation and competence of social work professionals are studied and a first approach to what their functions are in the Administration is carried out. of Justice
C1 General concepts of expertise (1 ECTS)
- What is professional expertise?
- Training requirements
- Types of expertise professionals
- Appointment for issuing the expert evidence
- The expert opinion. Issuance and ratification in trial or oral hearing
- Tacha, challenge, abstention and inhibition
- The impartiality of the social expertise professional
The subject examines all those aspects that refer to social expertise professionals, that is, requirements for the exercise, the expert opinion and the procedure for the appointment, taint, recusal, and inhibition
D1 The exercise of social expertise in the private sphere (1.5 ECTS)
- The legal perspective of social expertise
- Types of private social expertise
- Terms and conditions for hiring private social expertise professionals
- The practice of private social expertise
- Fees professionals and billing procedures
The course aims to analyze all those aspects related to the types of private social expertise, its hiring, practice, and remuneration.
E1 Sociological construction of into society relations (1.5 ECTS)
- Socialization procession
- Interdisciplinary construction of gender
- Changes in roles and status
- Genesis of intrafamily violence
- Deviant and/or criminal behaviors and social vulnerability
- Special reference to the LGTBI collective
The subject studies all those aspects that of sociology surround the professional practice of social expertise in its different areas of intervention, both referring to the environment and the groups.
E2 The principle of equal opportunities between men and women, gender violence, and domestic violence (1 ECTS)
- Equal opportunities between men and women
- Gender violence. Types, new approaches, and dimensions
- Domestic violence. Types, new approaches, and dimensions
- Other types of violence
- Conflictive relationships
This subject studies the principle of equal opportunities and its scope, all types of violence, and conflictive relationships with special attention to gender and domestic violence.
F1 Professional practice in the Administration of Justice: General aspects (3 ECTS)
- The Institutes of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
- Common aspects and action protocols
- Configuration of technical teams, Multidisciplinarity in the judicial field
- The scientific method
- Techniques and instruments of professional practice
- The expert report
- The social expert opinion as a means of proof
In the course, the configuration of the technical teams, the action protocols, the methodological aspects, and the technical instruments of professional practice are studied, with special attention to the report and expert opinion that is common in all areas of intervention of social expertise. forensic.
G1 Professional practice in the Administration of Justice: Areas of action I (8 ECTS)
- Family courts
- Prison surveillance courts
- Violence against women courts
- Forensic Pathology Service of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
The subject studies the intervention of the professional social expert in the family courts, which are exclusively in charge of processing all legal proceedings related to marriage and relationships between parents and children (parent-child relationships), surveillance penitentiary that is in charge of supervising the penitentiary activity, guaranteeing the rights of all inmates and correcting possible abuses and deviations that may occur by the Administration concerning them, in compliance with the precepts of the penitentiary regime, of violence against women, which are the jurisdictional bodies that specifically instruct criminal acts derived from gender violence, that is, those committed by a man on his marital or de facto partner or on a woman with whom he has a similar and stable relationship, even without cohabitation. And, finally, the intervention of the social forensic professional in the forensic teams It essentially focuses on obtaining biographical data that may be relevant in the study of the person to be evaluated, with express reference to the level of the documented value thereof. the intervention of the social expertise professional in the forensic teams is essentially focused on obtaining the biographical data that may be relevant in the study of the person to be evaluated, with express reference to the level of the documented value thereof. the intervention of the social expertise professional in the forensic teams is essentially focused on obtaining the biographical data that may be relevant in the study of the person to be evaluated, with express reference to the level of the documented value thereof.
G2 Professional practice in the Administration of Justice: Areas of action II (8 ECTS)
- Forensic Medical Clinic of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
- Disability Courts and Prosecutor's Office
- Superior Courts of Justice
- Juvenile Courts
- Care and protection service for crime victims
In the subject of analyzing the intervention of the social expertise professional in the Clinic
Forensic Physician is in charge of the functions related to medical-legal expertise and, in particular, the periodic control of the injured and the assessment of bodily harm that are the subject of procedural actions, as well as assistance or optional surveillance of detainees, the intervention of the professional in the Superior Courts of Justice, in the criminal jurisdiction of minors as judicial experts framed within the technical teams of minors and the Service of Attention and protection to victims of crime
H1 Oratory and judicial ratification (2.5 ECTS)
- Legal language and forensic oratory
- Body and gestural voice techniques
- Skills and competencies for the defense of the expert report
- Appearance of the expert and ratification in civil proceedings
- Appearance of the expert and ratification in criminal proceedings
In addition to studying language and legal oratory and corporal and gestural voice techniques, it is analyzed how they are applied and what additional skills are required for ratification in civil and criminal processes.
I1 Ethics and professional responsibility (1.5 ECTS)
- Principles and ethical criteria
- Code of Ethics
- Basic notions of professional responsibility
- Regulations on data protection
- The conflict of loyalties at a professional level
- The Professional Association of Forensic Social Work
The course studies the Code of Ethics, the main standards and principles of professional responsibility and data processing, and the Associations of Forensic Social Work Professions
H1 External practices (18 ECTS)
External academic internships are regulated training activities carried out by Master's students, mainly in civil and criminal Courts and Tribunals, and are intended to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in theoretical training, to promote the acquisition of skills. and skills necessary for the exercise of forensic social expertise, facilitating their employability.
K1 Final Degree Project (9 ECTS)
The TFM is the elaboration by the original social report under the supervision of the tutor or tutors of the University oriented to the application of the competencies of the Master and that will be ratified before the Tribunal or Evaluation Commission constituted for that purpose.
The Master of Permanent Training in Forensic Social Work is a rigorous program that requires completion of 60 ECTS credits.
Program Outcome
General Competences
- Problem-solving ability.
- Ability to develop open and empathetic attitudes based on respect and recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
- Capacity Ethical commitment.
- Organizational and planning capacity.
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- Oral and written communication skills
- Information management capacity.
- Ability to analyze and search for information from various sources.
Specific Competences
- Ability to act, when circumstances require it, in defense of the interests of the people served, especially in obvious risk situations
- Ability to act in the resolution of risk situations derived from the professional practice itself.
- Ability to prepare and present stories and social reports respecting the ethical and professional principles of intervention in the professional forensic field.
- Ability to use the usual techniques and instruments in social work, adapting them to the judicial environment.
- Ability to work effectively within interdisciplinary teams with the purpose of collaborating in the establishment of goals and objectives, and even contributing to the constructive management of possible disagreements.
- Ability to manage conflicts, dilemmas and complex ethical problems, identifying them, designing resolution or overcoming strategies, and reflecting on said results and valuing them.
- Ability to ratify in court the expert opinion prepared and answer the questions asked by lawyers, prosecutors, judges and magistrates.