Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Experto en quiebras
150 Hours
Full time
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EUR 1,000 *
Distance Learning
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
Modality: Online (e-learning)
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 15 ECTS credits
Hours: 150
Module 1: Introduction to Bankruptcy Law
- Didactic Unit 1: Basic bankruptcy concepts.
- Didactic Unit 2: Structure of the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Law.
- Didactic Unit 3: Main novelties of the Consolidated Text.
- Didactic Unit 4: Bodies of insolvency proceedings.
- Didactic Unit 5: Basic notions on pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy procedures.
Module 2: Pre-Bankruptcy Law
- Didactic Unit 1: The communication of the beginning of negotiations for the viability of the company.
- Didactic Unit 2: Unique refinancing agreements.
- Didactic Unit 3: Collective refinancing agreements.
- Didactic Unit 4: The approval of refinancing agreements.
- Didactic Unit 5: Extrajudicial Payment Agreements.
- Didactic Unit 6: The failure of pre-bankruptcy procedures.
Module 3: The Bankruptcy
- Didactic Unit 1: The procedural treatment of bankruptcy. Incidents, procedures and resources.
- Didactic Unit 2: The declarative phase of the contest.
- Didactic Unit 3: The common phase of the contest, effects, and management.
- Didactic Unit 4: Bankruptcy administration. Statute.
- Didactic Unit 5: The bankruptcy administration report and its procedural treatment.
- Didactic Unit 6: The agreement in bankruptcy.
- Didactic Unit 7: Liquidation in bankruptcy.
- Didactic Unit 8: The qualification in the contest.
- Didactic Unit 9: The conclusion and reopening of the contest.
Module 4: Special Competitions, Parabankruptcy, and Private International Law
- Didactic Unit 1: Abbreviated contest, contest without mass, and special contests.
- Didactic Unit 2: Specialties in contests (joint application, accumulation of contests, coordinated processing).
- Didactic Unit 3: Parabankruptcy regulations.
- Didactic Unit 4. European insolvency law.
- Didactic Unit 5: The principle of reciprocity and the treatment of insolvency in non-commUnity cases.
Module 5: The Competition of Natural Persons and The Exoneration of The Unsatisfied Liabilities
- Didactic Unit 1: Contest of natural persons.
- Didactic Unit 2: Particularities of the bankruptcy liquidation of natural persons.
- Didactic Unit 3: The request for exoneration of the dissatisfied liability. Ordinary and special regime. material requirements.
- Didactic Unit 4: Processing of the incident of exoneration of the dissatisfied liability.
- Didactic Unit 5: Effects and scope of the exoneration of the dissatisfied liability.
Module 6: Bankruptcy Administration/bankruptcy Mediation
- Didactic Unit 1: Appointment and statute of the bankruptcy mediator.
- Didactic Unit 2: Requirements and appointment of bankruptcy administrator.
- Didactic Unit 3: The statute and remuneration of the bankruptcy administrator.
- Didactic Unit 4: The report of the bankruptcy administrator and main actions.
- Didactic Unit 5: Accountability and responsibility of the bankruptcy administrator.
- Didactic Unit 6: Bankruptcy administration in special procedures.
Module 7: Practical Support of The Bankruptcy Administration
- Didactic Unit 1: Guidelines and criteria for the evaluation of the agreement proposal
- Didactic Unit 2: Guidelines and criteria for requesting the cessation of activity and liquidation
- Didactic Unit 3: Guidelines and criteria for preparing the qualification report
- Didactic Unit 4: Guidelines and criteria for the elaboration of the liquidation plan and the conclusion of the bankruptcy
- Didactic Unit 5: Guidelines and criteria for the preparation of preventive restructuring plans
It is NOT necessary neither End of Title Project nor the External Internship.
To obtain the degree, it will be necessary to pass a test of each module and a final evaluation.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.