Experto en planificación estratégica de la comunicación en el ámbito sanitario para profesionales de la salud
30 Hours
Full time
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EUR 3,500 *
Distance Learning
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
Modality: Online
Contact Hours: 30
This Expert Title, lasting 15 credits, is structured into 5 subjects that will be taught online and in person, according to the following:
- The health communication process and plan.
- specialized information vs. Generalist: characteristics of the message in the press, radio, and television.
- Communication of the health sector in digital media.
- Communication in social networks: when the citizen is the informant.
- Regulation and deontology of communication in the health field.
Program Outcome
The Expert Degree in Strategic Communication Planning for Healthcare Personnel has the general objective of training future and current professionals in the healthcare sector, both in the Spanish and Latin American markets, in an approach to strategic communication plans and audits in the healthcare sector. To achieve this, the specific objectives of this Expert Degree are the following:
- To teach the basic principles and processes of strategic communication, as well as to train the student in the development of a communication plan for their company or organization.
- Differentiate the characteristics of health information in both general and specialized media, as well as graphics and audiovisual media.
- To show the possibilities of communicating through social networks, as well as detecting hoaxes, intrusion and misinformation on the Internet.
- Manage messages generated by citizens as patients that may cause harm to both a professional and an organization and may even pose a danger to public health.
- Know the legal and ethical limitations subject to the use of certain content and data from third parties in the communication and promotion process of a healthcare professional or entity.