Experto en Herramientas Digitales en Periodismo Turístico y Gastronómico por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: De las redes sociales al neuromarketing
20 Hours
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EUR 1,840 *
Distance Learning
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
Modality: Online
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 26 ECTS credits
Contact Hours: 20
Digital Communication I
- A1 Fundamentals of digital communication (past, present)
- A2 Web 3, metaverse, 5g. (future)
- A3 Fundamentals of digital projects
- A4 Legislation and network
- A5 Search engines, structure, and uses
- A6 Vlogs and Blogs. Content development and monetization
- A7. Instagramers, Youtubers: new trends
- A8 Brand Content
- A9 Brand Experience
- A10 Community Manager/ Content Creator
Digital Keys of The Tourism Sector
- B1 Digital Marketing Strategies in Tourism
- B3 Communication planning
- B4 Communication departments in tourism companies: Corporate communication, consumer communication
- B5 Travel journalism: the travel chronicle
- B6 The power of recommendation
- B7 Crisis communication in the tourism sector
- B8 Content Marketing: Product placement
- B9 Tourist neuromarketing
Gastronomic Journalism
- C1 Culture and gastronomic innovation
- C2 Audiovisual Gastronomic Narratives: Identity and landscape
- C3 Gastronomic criticism, guides, and web recommendations
- C4 Gastronomic Chronicle
- C5 The gastronomic recipe is good to dream
- C6 Neurogastronomy
- C7 Wine tourism (the message in the bottle)
- C8 Photography in the tourism and gastronomy field
- C9 Television formats of gastronomic and tourist content
Digital Communication II
- D1 Planning the optimization process of a digital product
- D2 Optimization, Positioning, and web analytics
- D3 Usability and accessibility
- D4 Content managers: Project management systems
- D5 Writing for digital media
- D6 Multimedia/audiovisual content development
- D7 Content development for Social Media: podcasts, newsletters
- D8 Planning and design of a digital project
- Seminars “cañitas With…”
Program Outcome
The aim is to train professionals who can cover a dual profile: communication experts within companies or institutions involved in the tourism/gastronomy sector (communication offices/departments or communication areas) and experts in digital travel and gastronomy journalism.
In both cases, the aim is to train future communicators in the necessary digital skills that will allow them to control the tools that technological development puts at their disposal, capable of controlling the resources of digital communication.