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Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala

About us

At Universidad Panamericana we have a complete higher education system . We contribute to the development of the country , through innovative training and professionalization options with high standards of academic quality.

Today we have seven Metropolitan Campus and 106 locations, located in Guatemala City and in the interior of the country. We have more than 17,000 students enrolled and teach more than 75 careers between technicians, teachers, bachelor's degrees, masters and doctorates, in face-to-face, semi-face and virtual modalities.



To be a relevant higher education option at a national and international level with Christian quality, principles and values.


Contribute to sustainable integral development , forming competent professionals with Christian principles and values .

Legal base

The Pan American University was authorized by the CEPS Higher Private Education Council, on October 2, 1998, according to the Civil Registry of Guatemala City, under heading No. Three hundred and eighty-three (383). Registered with legal status No. Forty-nine (49).

He began his academic activities in January 1999.



Universidad Panamericana begins operations as a preliminary project in 1993 under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Christian Foundation for the Development of Education in Latin America (FUNDACEDE). During that first year, the schedule of activities is established and the first draft called “Draft for the creation of the Christian University of Guatemala” is presented. The first consultation of professionals is made for the presentation of the vision on January 7, 1994 and then we proceed to integrate work commissions for the preparation of the project, their careers and faculties with the participation of more than 50 professionals in different specialties.

As a result of various consultations, a preliminary draft is prepared and presented to the Council of Higher Private Education on August 2, 1996 . The project was not approved at that time indicating that, although the academic project was completed, the commission on formal and legal matters did not give its approval, which was notified on February 11, 1997 . After a series of technical and legal negotiations, it is presented for the second time under the name of the Creation Project of the " Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala " on December 12, 1997.

Finally, in a session on October 2, 1998, the Council of Higher Private Education decides to approve the creation of the Pan American University, thus ending the management phase. The execution phase is carried out as of November 17, 1998 , the date on which the Creation Agreement is published in the Journal of Central America in accordance with the laws of the country.


On January 25, 1999 , the inaugural act of the Pan American University presided over by the University's Board of Directors was held. It was attended by representatives of the universities of San Carlos de Guatemala, Mariano Gálvez, Rafael Landívar, Francisco Marroquín, del Valle and Rural de Guatemala, as well as the members of the CEPS Higher Education Council, Government authorities and guests from other institutions.

During the opening ceremony there was a special mention of recognition to three founders of this project, who died without seeing it done: Mr. Rafael Pantoja Herrera, Mr. Renan Quiñónez and Dr. Guillermo Forno.

Universidad Panamericana takes as its headquarters to begin its academic work the facilities located on the road to San Isidro, Aldea Acatan zone 16, owned by FUNDACEDE and transferred in usufruct to the university. In these buildings the Christian Verbo College has been working on the morning since 1990 . For the beginning of its operations, Universidad Panamericana has had the infrastructure, furniture and equipment of the Verbo Christian College, as well as the Verbo Christian Church.

The Inaugural Lesson, by Mr. Rector Ing. Abel Girón, is held in the auditorium of the University Campus on February 13, 1999 . Universidad Panamericana begins offering educational services in its five faculties: Theology, Communication Sciences, Legal Sciences, Education Sciences and Business Administration.

  • Guatemala City

    8a. Avenida, zona 8 de Mixco Guatemala, , Guatemala City

    • Cahabon

      Instituto Básico por Cooperativa Barrio San Pablo, Santa María Cahabón, Alta Verapaz (frente a Ermita de Colonia El Rosario), , Cahabon

      • Rabinal

        1a. Av. y 3a. Calle esquina Zona 3, Escuela Urbana para Varones No. 1, Rabinal, Baja Verapaz, , Rabinal

        • Chimaltenango

          4a. Avenida 7-48, Zona 1, Quinta Los Aposentos (Edificio Nuevo) Alameda Chimaltenango, , Chimaltenango

          • Chiquimula

            Colegio Sagrada Familia, , Chiquimula

            • San Agustín Acasaguastlán

              Asocociacion moises Lira serafin., , San Agustín Acasaguastlán

              • San Antonio Huista

                Canton Central, Colegio Evangélico Bethel., , San Antonio Huista

                • Puerto Barrios

                  4a. calle y 15 avenida, colonia san agustín, aldea santo tomás de castilla, Puerto barrios, Izabal., , Puerto Barrios

                  • San Luis Jilotepeque

                    Instituto Mixto de Educación Básica por Cooperativa Barrio el Centro, San Luis Jilotepeque., , San Luis Jilotepeque

                    • Jutiapa

                      Campus Universitario Jutiapa, Calle 15 de Septiembre 8-13 zona uno bo. Latino Jutiapa (Media cuadra arriba del Hospital Nacional de Jutiapa)., , Jutiapa

                      • Sayaxché

                        Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Xé chevex Cantón Ilom Municipio de Chajul, , Sayaxché

                        • Sibilia

                          Instituto Imprimisi 5ta. Calle 2-22 Zona 1. Barrio el Progreso, , Sibilia

                          • Playa Grande Ixcan

                            IMEBCI 1a. Calle 1a. Avenida colonia La Paz zona 1 Playa Grande., , Playa Grande Ixcan

                            • Retalhuleu

                              Colegio Centro Americano, en la colonia el Pedregal, 5a. calle 5-05 zona 6, Reu., , Retalhuleu

                              • Antigua Guatemala

                                Colegio Americano Superior Calle de Los Nazarenos No. 28, Antigua Guatemala., , Antigua Guatemala

                                • Pajapita

                                  Colegio Evangelico Nueva Vida 4ta. Av. Zona 2., , Pajapita

                                  • Santiago Atitlán

                                    Cantón Pachicaj, Centro Integral Santiaguito, frente al campo de futbol de Santiago Atitlán., , Santiago Atitlán

                                    • Mazatenango

                                      Colegio Nueva Familia ubicado en el Km. 1 carretera a San Francisco Zapotitlán, departamento de Suchitepequez., , Mazatenango

                                      • Totonicapán

                                        Colegio Centro de Estudios Avanzados Totonicapán 9na Calle A 08-043 zona 3, Totonicapán., , Totonicapán

                                        • Zacapa

                                          Instituto Mixto de Educ. Básica por Cooperativa Prof. Victor Manuel Juarez Obando Barrio El Centro El Chal, Petén., , Zacapa

                                          Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala