Master's Degree in Management and Human Resources Management
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
01 Nov 2024
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Distance Learning
Study your Master in Human Resources (HR) online with UNIR
The UNIR Master in Human Resources (HR) online is at the forefront of the knowledge that the Digital Era and a global and plural environment require the management of human capital and talent in organizations.
The contents of the subjects are carefully reviewed and updated periodically according to the latest demands of the market. The new roles of the employee , the effective use of Linkedin and other social networks, the challenges of conciliation or the management of change and diversity , are just some examples of the knowledge you will learn in this master.
With a strategic and practical vision, the Master in Human Resources Management and Management of UNIR teaches how to use cutting- edge tools , such as those that allow the selection and intelligent use of data to attract and retain the best talent and align them with the objectives of the company.
The Master in Human Resources Management is aimed at those professionals who, coming from different disciplines, wish to focus on one of the professional knowledge most demanded by companies.
This UNIR official title meets the quality standards required by the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA) and also awards points in the oppositions. UNIR is a full member of the most important international associations that guarantee the quality of the Business Postgraduate Programs.
General information
- Credits: 60 ECTS
- Duration: 1 academic year
- Methodology: Distance education 100% online
- Exams: Attendance at the end of each semester
- Practices: Guaranteed practices, being able to be validated by professional experience
The UNIR study method is flexible, personalized and effective. The methodology is based on online live classes and personal tutor to offer the best training.
The UNIR pedagogical model is effective because it is based on a totally online methodology so that each student can study at their own pace:
- Live online classes: There are classes scheduled every day of the week in the morning and afternoon so you can attend class when it is best for you.
- Online classes in deferred: If you could not attend a class or you stayed with questions, you can access all your classes in deferred. You can see them whenever you want and as many times as you need.
- Personal tutor: The first day you will be assigned a personal tutor. You will be in contact with him by phone and email. He will support you in your day to day and solve any doubts that may arise.
- Virtual Campus: Everything you need to study at UNIR is on campus: classes, teachers, classmates, the library, teaching resources, schedules, chat, forums and much more.
- Teaching resources: You will have access to different learning resources to complete your training: complementary readings, diagrams with key ideas, self-assessment test, etc.
Prepare for organizational change with UNIR 's HR Master's program
Our study plan guarantees updated content, based on market demands. Learn actively with the Case Method, analyzing real business situations. We incorporate current and future trends such as workplace well-being, healthy organizations, talent management and HR Metrics.
First quarter
- Dirección Estratégica de Personas
- Gestión de las Decisiones en Recursos Humanos
- Gestión del Ciclo Laboral del Capital Humano
- Bienestar Laboral y Organizaciones Saludables
- International People Management. A Latin American perspective
Segundo Cuatrimestre
- Desarrollo y Gestión del Talento
- Compensación Total
- Habilidades Directivas y Gestión del Cambio
- Prácticas Externas
Prácticas Profesionales
The internship has a minimum duration of 1 month and you can do it in companies such as Leroy Merlín, Decathlon, Repsol, Lidl, Telefónica, Nestlé, Bershka, Cuatrecasas, Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, Crown Food España, El Corte Inglés, Indra , Konecta, Manpower, Adecco, Alcampo, EULEN Group.
On the other hand, they can be recognized by professional experience when the tasks performed are functions and responsibilities in human resources positions. The requirements are:
- The use of HR tools and techniques , according to the particular case or specific need of the specific organization in which the internship is carried out, in the HR area, participating in recruitment or selection processes and performance evaluation processes, that allow identifying opportunities for improvement in people management in the organization.
- Participation in training plan development processes, in some of its phases: needs diagnosis, preparation of the training plan, delivery and monitoring of training, training evaluation, etc.
- Have developed teamwork experience through active participation in tasks and functions related to human resources of the host company.
Likewise, experience in:
- Internal audit processes in the Human Resources area.
- Analysis of the business situation in terms of HR.
- Participation in the development of improvement projects in the Human Resources Area.
- Collaboration in work environment studies .
- Collaboration in any of the parts of the Human Resources pension management process.
- Collaboration in talent identification processes, having participated as an observer/evaluator in assessment center processes.
Design your master's thesis based on real business cases
Take advantage of the opportunity to complete your TFM with Red Proyectum, a platform of companies that will provide you with real cases that they face in the development of their business. You will have to propose the best solutions, developing diagnoses and action plans, based on efficiency and scientific evidence, providing the required value. These are some of the TFMs that the master's graduates have completed.
- Creation of an HR department at Real Sporting de Gijón SAD
- Improvement of the onboarding process in a British school, and implementation of mentoring .
- Analysis and proposal for improvement of the HR department of Primark SLU
- Talent retention and motivation plan in the company YP GmbH.
- Analysis of the deterioration of psychosocial risk factors in crisis situations and its effect on health and work performance.
- Improved Work Environment in Sports Facilities of a City Council.
Program Outcome
Perfil Profesional
As a graduate of the official Master's Degree in Human Resources, you will be prepared to face, plan and manage the change in traditional work models. You will be able to:
- Develop productivity improvement programs.
- Design the employee journey of your workers.
- Communicate effectively as an employer brand.
- Plan remote or flexible work.
- Define the strategic KPIs that the HR area must comply with.
- Provide creative solutions to build an optimal corporate culture.
- Identify training needs and develop development plans.
Employment Programs
As a UNIR student, we offer you two programs to improve your employability. The Employment Incubator, which will help you search for work efficiently, and the Entrepreneurship Incubator, so that you are able to successfully start your own business.
Scholarships and Funding
Becas Santander - UNIR
Programa de ayudas económicas
Contamos con 17 becas de 1.000 euros cada una para esta convocatoria de otoño 2024. Están dirigidas a estudiantes del Programa Profesional en Inteligencia Artificial y Data Science de UNIR para promover y facilitar el acceso a la Educación Superior y contribuir así a sufragar los gastos derivados de sus estudios de posgrado.
Cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, para titulados en máster en profesorado y maestros
Queda publicado en el BOE el extracto de la Resolución de 10 de julio de 2023, por la que se convocan 315 ayudas para participar en cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa destinadas a maestros y a titulados en Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas.
- Haber finalizado el Grado de Maestro en cualquiera de las especialidades en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media del expediente académico de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
- Haber finalizado los estudios de Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media en el máster de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
Plan de movilidad ERASMUS+
Tras la consecución de la ECHE (carta Erasmus de Educación Superior), desde UNIR se está trabajando en un ambicioso plan de movilidad, condicionado por nuestra naturaleza virtual, a partir de una nueva Oficina creada al efecto, que va a ser la encargada de coordinar todas las acciones en dicho ámbito.
Además, en UNIR contamos con acuerdos bilaterales de movilidad con instituciones de educación superior europeas, coordinando internamente todas nuestras acciones con los distintos departamentos implicados, y dando máxima divulgación e información a las acciones de movilidad dentro de nuestra comunidad universitaria.
- Información general
- Convocatorias
Dentro de las acciones de movilidad del programa Erasmus+, UNIR participa también en la modalidad de prácticas internacionales. El programa Erasmus+ de movilidad para el aprendizaje permite hacer hasta 12 meses de movilidad entre prácticas y formación dentro de la misma titulación, e incluso llevar a cabo ésta una vez finalizados o concluidos tus estudios.
Documentación para la tramitación de Becas
Para poder remitir la documentación necesaria para la posterior tramitación de su solicitud de Beca General ofertada por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional le indicamos el siguiente enlace:
- Le adjuntamos PDF con las instrucciones pertinentes. Deberá registrarse y subir la documentación.
- Le recordamos que la siguiente herramienta únicamente almacena los documentos facilitados a nuestra Universidad, para su posterior tramitación ante el organismo competente, con el fin de archivar, evitar duplicidades y dar seguridad al proceso.
Ideal Students
In addition to the legally established requirements, to study the Master in Human Resources Management at UNIR we advise you to be interested in:
- Understand the organization of HR in a company.
- Understanding new forms of work organization.
- Design plans for people development.
Career Opportunities
UNIR 's online Master in HR places emphasis on people, innovation and well-being , strategic assets of organizations. You will approach the Human Resources function from a global perspective, in which strategy, results and people are aligned within an environment of digital transformation, new technologies and processes. Once you complete the master's degree, you will be able to apply for positions such as:
- Talent manager director, designing and implementing strategies for talent acquisition.
- Responsible for different areas, such as Talent Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Labor, etc.
- Management of the HR department, organizing and planning hiring policies.
- HR business partner, aligning the company's objectives with human capital.
- HR technician, managing talent selection processes.
- Human Resources Consultant, developing strategic programs.
- International recruiter: the person in charge of publishing the offer and carrying out a first filter of resumes. This is done through a short telephone interview.
- Talent acquisition: person in charge of personnel research or talent search. Create job profiles, search and selection strategies to attract and choose the best talent available.
- Compensation and benefits technician: this professional profile is responsible for supporting and analyzing the calculations of the remuneration plans to be implemented as well as preparing total compensation packages, including emotional compensation, and benefits.
- Chief people officer: in charge of developing and executing strategies that improve employee engagement and satisfaction.