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UNIR Master's Degree in Legal Practice

Master's Degree in Legal Practice


3 Semesters


Full time

Request application deadline

01 Apr 2025

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Distance Learning


Ejerce como abogado y procurador con el Máster en Abogacía online de UNIR

92% of our students pass the Bar Access Exam

It addresses the profession of lawyer or attorney from an eminently practical approach. Immerse yourself in all types of real cases and situations, attend specific preparatory sessions and prepare for the official exam with the Master of Access to the Legal Profession and the Attorney General's Office .

You will have at your disposal essential tools for the work exercise and you will be able to evaluate your progress with an exclusive simulation one month before the official test. It is essential to have this degree to be able to take the exam, litigate and practice law.

Train yourself in the professional practice of Law

The UNIR Master 's Degree in Law and Prosecution is a theoretical and practical immersion in professional practice. You will address the substantive and procedural areas that are key to the Law, while:

  • Realizas las tareas de un despacho jurídico.
  • Trabajas directamente con casos reales de la mano de magistrados, fiscales y abogados en activo.
  • Desarrollas soft skills para destacar en gestión del cambio y trabajo en equipo.
  • Conoces técnicas de gestión de la empresa jurídica, deontología o resolución extrajudicial de conflictos.
  • Aprendes habilidades para interrogar, comunicar una sentencia desfavorable o recibir a un cliente en el despacho.

Why study UNIR 's online Master's Degree in Procurement?

This degree is taught through a practical approach on the practice of the profession and a more theoretical approach, with publications and complete seminars to prepare for the Admission Exam to the Legal Profession and the Attorney General's Office. These are some of the resources you will have access to.

  • Virtway Events: an online platform where you will participate in real simulated trials within a virtual environment. Create your own avatar and play the roles of different actors involved in the hearings, such as a judge, a lawyer or a prosecutor.
  • Simulador Lex How: desde el que acceder a más de 4.000 pruebas similares al Examen de Estado y comprobar qué especialidad legal es tu fuerte. Nuestros profesores te ayudarán a reforzar todas las áreas.
  • Base de datos de la revista 'La Ley' y 'Vlex': es una publicación actualizada por más de 100 juristas. Doctrina, jurisprudencia y legislación para el estudio y resolución de casos prácticos.
  • Clínica Jurídica de UNIR: aplica tus conocimientos de Derecho mientras realizas una labor social. Resolverás casos reales, vivos y pro bono, proporcionando soluciones jurídicas a entidades sociales y ONG con las que colaboramos.
  • State Classroom: we accompany you from the moment you finish the TFM until you take the State Exam. Not only will we inform you of the important aspects related to the test, but you will also be able to perform simulations and consult questions from previous years. Attend interactive classes on correction of previous state exams with master's professors and also participate in career guidance sessions, in which different professionals from the legal environment will share their experience with you.
  • Seminars and openclasses on entrepreneurship topics in the sector to build your career as a lawyer. They deal with 'Social Welfare', 'The organization of the firm', 'Keys to setting the firm's objectives', 'Taxation and accounting obligations', 'Personal branding and communication' and ' Marketing plan'. There is also an M&A workshop, a Bankruptcy Reform Seminar, other Seminars with the Mutual Society of Lawyers and the Visión Abogacía cycle,
Read more on the institution's website



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