Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems for Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, the Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (SIG)
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
01 Nov 2024
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Distance Learning
Study your Master in Integrated Management Systems online at UNIR
UNIR 's Official and online Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems is the only one that enables you to work on the design, coordination, implementation and evaluation of Quality Management Systems, the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility and Health and Safety at work, as well as in the preventive field as a Senior Occupational Risk Prevention Technician in the preventive specialty that you select as optional. Thus, you will achieve one of the job profiles with the highest demand in the market.
In addition, this Master includes the TÜV Rheinland ISO 45001 Internal Auditor Certification and offers you, with special conditions, three more certifications to expand your professional opportunities and differentiate your profile from the rest: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and SGE21.
Additionally, you will be able to complete your professional profile by completing the University Specialist in Environmental and Energy Management, with which you will achieve a global vision of pollution management and the efficient use of energy.
The quality of its contents and the excellence of the academic staff of the Master in Integrated Management Systems allow the degree to have a labor insertion rate of 86%.
4 internal auditor certificates endorsed by TÜV Rheinland
Thanks to the UNIR agreement with TÜV Rheinland, we offer you the possibility of obtaining 4 internal auditor certificates from this prestigious global certifying entity:
- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001, This international standard sets out the requirements that a company must meet to demonstrate that it is governed by a healthy and safe work system for its employees. Achieving this improves the work environment, reduces risks and evokes a positive image in the company.
- ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. It is an international standard that supervises the quality of an organization in aspects such as customer satisfaction or the ability of the company to offer products and services in accordance with a series of principles. Achieving this generates a feeling of trust in the client and is conditioned by passing an annual audit.
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems. Seeks that companies implement the necessary measures to make their activity as sustainable as possible, with special care for the environment. Achieving it improves the image and allows access to more subsidies or obtaining other lines of financing.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Management Systems, according to the SGE21 standard. This European standard makes it possible to implement, audit and certify an ethical and socially responsible management system.
To obtain these certificates you must pass a test and pay the corresponding fees in the last three. These certificates have a BIDI code and are included in Certipedia for online consultation.
We promote your professional profile through a specialty
Take the University Specialist in Environmental and Energy Management together with your Master in Integrated Management Systems.
Thus, you will achieve a global vision of pollution management and the efficient use of energy, knowing the environmental impact produced by the generation of said pollutants, through the application of existing regulations and legislation.
In addition, with training in the efficient use of energy, you will be able to acquire the knowledge to implement an Energy Management System that allows organizations to optimize this resource.
Internships and professional improvement
UNIR maintains more than 300 internship agreements with companies distributed throughout the national territory so that you can carry out your internship where it is best for you. In addition, you can consult the recognition of internships if you accredit the necessary professional experience.
The students of the official Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems of UNIR have improved professionally in the year following completion of the master's degree, according to the results of a study on employability and satisfaction of graduates:
- 93% of Spanish students are satisfied with the training received.
- 89% of graduates consider that what they learned during the master's degree has a lot of involvement in their current job.
- When completing the master's degree, the unemployment rate drops by 12%.
The UNIR Master's in GIS program trains you as a highly qualified professional
Our study plan enables you to develop the skills required to carry out professional activity in the field of occupational risk prevention, quality management, the environment and social responsibility.
Primer Cuatrimestre
- Fundamentos de las Técnicas de Mejora de las Condiciones de Trabajo y Ámbito Jurídico de la Prevención
- Técnicas de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales: Seguridad en el Trabajo e Higiene Industrial
- Occupational Risk Prevention Techniques II: Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology
- Otras Actuaciones en Materia de Prevención
- Implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System: ISO 45001
- Asignaturas optativas
Segundo Cuatrimestre
- Marco legal de carácter ambiental, Implantación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental ISO 14001 y Herramientas y Normas para la Gestión Ambiental Avanzada
- Regulation of Industrial Quality and Safety; Implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System and Quality Tools for Continuous Improvement
- Other Management Systems
- Integration of Management Systems and Planning and Execution of Audits
- Prácticas Externas
- Trabajo Fin de Máster
Asignaturas Optativas
- Safety at Work Specialty
- Industrial Hygiene Specialty
- Ergonomics Specialty
Prácticas Profesionales
You can choose from more than 850 companies throughout Spain to develop your internships. Its duration is 180 hours, of which 153 hours are in person. You must choose one of the three technical specialties (Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology) to complete your internship.
Do your internships in companies such as Leroy Merlín, Eulen, Lidl, Liberty Seguros, FCC, Grupo Norte, Ferrovial, Campofrío, Bridgestone, Acciona, Volkswagen or Renfe, among others.
You can request recognition of internships if you prove six months of professional experience in your own tasks related to the planning, implementation and audits of quality management systems (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), corporate social responsibility (SGE 21) and /o safety and health at work (ISO 45001). It is not necessary to demonstrate professional experience in all areas for credit recognition.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
When choosing the topic of the TFM you must take into account the chosen practices. That is, if you select your internship in the field of quality management systems consulting , the environment, occupational health and safety or CSR, the TFM must focus on the area of preventive specialization .
On the contrary, if you choose to do your internship in ORP , you must focus your TFM in the field of planning, implementation or integration of quality management systems , environment, safety and health at work.
Program Outcome
Perfil Profesional
Once you complete the Master in Integrated Management Systems, you will be able to:
- Conocer los aspectos fundamentales que determinan la aplicación de la ley 31/1995, así como su normativa derivada junto con las normas ISO y RSC.
- Put into practice aspects such as training, dissemination and integration of standards and their deployment in the organization.
- Clasificar los aspectos fundamentales relativos a la prevención de riesgos laborales y sistemas integrados de gestión, así como las vías de planificación preventiva y de estructura de las normas asociadas a ellos.
- Develop risk assessments, design and implementation of standards or integration of management systems, programming the resulting preventive actions or the implementation method in organizations.
- Analizar de modo completo tanto la siniestralidad como lo relativo a los sistemas de gestión en una organización, para implementar las medidas más adecuadas a esta.
Scholarships and Funding
Becas Santander - UNIR
Programa de ayudas económicas
Contamos con 17 becas de 1.000 euros cada una para esta convocatoria de otoño 2024. Están dirigidas a estudiantes del Programa Profesional en Inteligencia Artificial y Data Science de UNIR para promover y facilitar el acceso a la Educación Superior y contribuir así a sufragar los gastos derivados de sus estudios de posgrado.
Cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, para titulados en máster en profesorado y maestros
Queda publicado en el BOE el extracto de la Resolución de 10 de julio de 2023, por la que se convocan 315 ayudas para participar en cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa destinadas a maestros y a titulados en Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas.
- Haber finalizado el Grado de Maestro en cualquiera de las especialidades en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media del expediente académico de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
- Haber finalizado los estudios de Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media en el máster de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
Plan de movilidad ERASMUS+
Tras la consecución de la ECHE (carta Erasmus de Educación Superior), desde UNIR se está trabajando en un ambicioso plan de movilidad, condicionado por nuestra naturaleza virtual, a partir de una nueva Oficina creada al efecto, que va a ser la encargada de coordinar todas las acciones en dicho ámbito.
Además, en UNIR contamos con acuerdos bilaterales de movilidad con instituciones de educación superior europeas, coordinando internamente todas nuestras acciones con los distintos departamentos implicados, y dando máxima divulgación e información a las acciones de movilidad dentro de nuestra comunidad universitaria.
- Información general
- Convocatorias
Dentro de las acciones de movilidad del programa Erasmus+, UNIR participa también en la modalidad de prácticas internacionales. El programa Erasmus+ de movilidad para el aprendizaje permite hacer hasta 12 meses de movilidad entre prácticas y formación dentro de la misma titulación, e incluso llevar a cabo ésta una vez finalizados o concluidos tus estudios.
Documentación para la tramitación de Becas
Para poder remitir la documentación necesaria para la posterior tramitación de su solicitud de Beca General ofertada por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional le indicamos el siguiente enlace:
- Le adjuntamos PDF con las instrucciones pertinentes. Deberá registrarse y subir la documentación.
- Le recordamos que la siguiente herramienta únicamente almacena los documentos facilitados a nuestra Universidad, para su posterior tramitación ante el organismo competente, con el fin de archivar, evitar duplicidades y dar seguridad al proceso.
Ideal Students
In addition to the legally established requirements, to take the Master in GIS remotely from UNIR we advise you to be interested in:
- Assess risks, implement standards and integrate management systems.
- Analyze accidents and safety problems in organizations.
- Include training, dissemination and integration of GIS standards in companies.
Career Opportunities
Professional outings
By obtaining the Master's degree in Integrated Systems for Quality Management, Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility and PRL, the student will be able to exercise the higher-level functions attributed to the occupational risk prevention technician (in the technical specialty chosen by him). Likewise, obtaining said title enables the performance of different professional activities in the field of management systems, such as those related to management, consulting and auditing (internal / voluntary) of quality management systems. , environment, corporate social responsibility and health and safety at work.
In addition, it also allows you to carry out the professional activities of:
- Consultant and manager of the Occupational Risk Prevention, Quality, Environment and CSR Management systems.
- Auditor of the Occupational Risk Prevention Management systems (in its voluntary sphere), Quality, the Environment and CSR.
- Technician who performs Higher Level functions in Occupational Risk Prevention, in the preventive specialty chosen by the student.