Master's Degree in Electronic Commerce
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
01 Apr 2025
Request tuition fees
Distance Learning
The only Master that offers a comprehensive business vision of eBusiness to launch your own business: eCommerce, eLogistic and data intelligence
Do you dream of launching an online store from scratch? Or maybe you are looking to grow the sales of your company in the digital channel? Then the Master in eCommerce & eLogistic at UNIR is for you.
The Official Master in Electronic Commerce of UNIR prepares you to found your own startup or boost the sales of your company, anticipating the main opportunities generated by the current consumer : just in time shipments (JIT), Personalized customer experience, Shopper experience, Technologies search.
Participate in practical workshops on Google Ads, WordPress, Facebook Ads, Accounting and Finance, Google Analytics and SEO, analyze real cases of leading companies such as Amazon, Alibaba or eBay and simulate the development of your eCommerce with practical software for business management electronic.
Acquire the essential skills to successfully launch or promote your digital business:
- Technological implementation for the start-up of eCommerce.
- Advanced logistics with smart deliveries on time and maximizing resources.
- Business Intelligence to offer a personalized shopping experience based on the preferences of each customer.
- Online trading strategies.
The profile of the graduate at the end of the Master's Degree in Electronic Commerce will be a professional who will be able to plan, manage and direct electronic commerce activities prepared to assume the following responsibilities, by virtue of the acquired competencies:
- Being able to interpret online business models and adapt business strategies to the context of electronic commerce.
- Being able to manage logistics for e-commerce by planning your warehousing and distribution activities .
- Being able to develop online business strategies using specialized tools in business intelligence and analyzing large databases .
- Being able to apply new technologies to the online commercial activity of companies.
General information
- Duration: 1 academic year
- Face-to-face exams: at the end of each semester
- ECTS credits: 60
- Methodology: 100% online education
- Live Online Classes
- Personal Tutor
Live online classes
We offer students the opportunity to attend live online classes every day. During these sessions, students will be able to interact with the teacher and solve their queries in real time, sharing knowledge and experiences. The training rhythm is adapted, as far as possible, to the needs of each group of students. Not attending a live class does not mean missing it. All sessions can be viewed delayed, as many times as you like. Thus, students who cannot follow the class live are not harmed.
Didactic resources
UNIR Virtual Campus provides a wide variety of content with which to prepare each subject. These materials are organized in a way that facilitates agile and effective learning. In this way, it is possible to access the topics that develop the contents of the program, key ideas of each topic (prepared by the teaching staff of the subject), complementary audiovisual material, activities, readings and evaluation test.
In addition, you will have access to master classes on specific topics and you will be able to participate in forums, chats and blogs in which you interact with teachers and colleagues, expanding your knowledge and solving possible doubts.
Personal tutor
At UNIR , each student has a personal tutor from day one, always available by phone or email. The role of the tutor is fundamental in the trajectory of each student since it is the greatest link with the university and its point of reference during the training process.
The tutors offer personalized attention by constantly monitoring each student.
- Solve doubts about academic procedures, procedures or specific doubts about subjects.
- Helps with study planning to make better use of time.
- Recommend which didactic resources of the platform to use in each case.
- He is involved with the students' studies to help them pass each subject.
Evaluation system
To assess the level of achievement of the objectives obtained in the Master, it is necessary to evaluate the competencies acquired during the study. The final evaluation of learning is carried out taking into account the grade obtained in the following points.
- Continuous evaluation (resolution of practical cases, participation in forums, debates and other collaborative means and evaluation test).
- Final face-to-face examination.
- Master's Thesis
A study plan for you to specialize in Electronic Commerce
Train yourself with the only official online master's degree that specializes in electronic commerce and logistics from a business administration and management perspective.
1er Cuatrimestre
- Fundamentals of Online Business Models
- Electronic Commerce Management
- Digital Marketing Plan for eCommerce
- Logistics Planning and Management
- Electronic Commerce Logistics
2º Cuatrimestre
- Tools and Applications for Electronic Commerce
- Mobile Commerce / M-Commerce
- Prácticas Externas
- Trabajo Fin de Máster
Prácticas profesionales
You will be able to do internships in the numerous companies with which we have agreements. If you already have professional experience, you can accredit it at the Academic Secretariat. You must present your CV, your work life report and a company certificate specifying the position held, the functions and the development time. They entail monitoring by the company and the UNIR faculty.
Programas de Empleo
As a UNIR student, we offer you two programs to improve your employability: the Employment Incubator , which will help you search for work efficiently, and the Entrepreneurship Incubator , so you can learn how to start your own business. Check conditions with your advisor.
Do your Final Study Project on a real company
RED Projectum is a business platform that offers you the possibility of doing your End-of-Study Project (TFE) on real business problems , which will allow you to strengthen your employability and enhance your resume. As a student of the Master in Electronic Commerce, you will be able to carry out your final project as a team, starting from a briefing provided by a company and following one of these lines of work:
- Web Analytics and Conversion Improvement
- Mobile Commerce and Omnichannel
- Digital Marketing Plan for eCommerce
Once you have successfully passed the TFE subject, you will obtain an academic certificate of participation in the RED Projectum and you will be able to indicate in your portfolio that you have had experience developing the final study project in a real company.
Program Outcome
Perfil Profesional
Upon completion of the Master's Degree in Electronic Commerce, you will be a professional capable of planning, managing and directing electronic commerce activities , and you will be prepared to assume the following responsibilities:
- Interpret online business models and adapt commercial strategies to the context of electronic commerce.
- Develop online business strategies using specialized business intelligence tools and analyzing large databases.
- Manage logistics for e-commerce by planning your storage and distribution activities.
- Applying new technologies to companies' online business activities.
The importance that the labour market places on graduates in branches related to business and commercial management, as well as the increase in demand for these graduates in recent years, is an indisputable fact, as shown in the '10th Infoempleo Adecco Report' on Degrees with the most professional opportunities (2021). In addition, the latest report (XVII) 'The Most Wanted' of the ADECCO Group of 2022 also indicates that among the most sought-after professions are those related to profiles specialized in digital commercial strategies and/or e-commerce.
Scholarships and Funding
Santander Scholarships - UNIR
Financial aid program
We have 17 scholarships of 1,000 euros each for this fall 2024 call. They are aimed at students of UNIR 's Professional Program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to promote and facilitate access to Higher Education and thus contribute to defraying the expenses derived from their postgraduate studies.
English language immersion courses, for master's degree holders in teaching and teachers
The extract of the Resolution of July 10, 2023, which calls for 315 grants to participate in English language immersion courses for teachers already qualified in Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, is published in the BOE. , Vocational Training and Language Teaching.
- Have completed the Master's Degree in any of the specialties in any of the following academic years: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 or 2019-2020 with an average academic record grade of at least 7.50 points.
- Have completed the Master's degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in one of the following academic years: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 or 2019-2020 with an average grade in the master's degree. at least 7.50 points.
ERASMUS+ mobility plan
After achieving the ECHE (Erasmus Higher Education charter), UNIR is working on an ambitious mobility plan, conditioned by our virtual nature, based on a new Office created for this purpose, which will be in charge of coordinating all actions in that area.
Furthermore, at UNIR we have bilateral mobility agreements with European higher education institutions, internally coordinating all our actions with the different departments involved, and giving maximum dissemination and information to mobility actions within our university community.
- General information
- Calls
Within the mobility actions of the Erasmus+ program, UNIR also participates in the international internship modality. The Erasmus+ learning mobility program allows you to do up to 12 months of mobility between internships and training within the same degree, and even carry out this once you have finished or concluded your studies.
Documentation for the processing of Scholarships
In order to send the necessary documentation for the subsequent processing of your application for a General Scholarship offered by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, we indicate the following link:
- We attach a PDF with the relevant instructions. You must register and upload documentation.
- We remind you that the following tool only stores the documents provided to our University, for subsequent processing before the competent body, in order to archive, avoid duplications and provide security to the process.
Ideal Students
Este máster está dirigido a profesionales cuyos objetivos son:
- Know all areas of e-commerce.
- Create and/or manage an eCommerce business in a profitable and sustainable way.
- Develop strategies that allow the business to grow across all channels.
Career Opportunities
Obtain skills in online commercial management and management and logistics planning for electronic commerce, thus making it easier for you to acquire a versatile managerial profile highly valued in the commercial field of companies. This will help you lead and work in different departments and types of organizations, with a vision and understanding of the current commercial reality. With this official online Master's Degree in Electronic Commerce you will be able to work as:
- Electronic Commerce Director (eCommerce Director)
- Head of Electronic Commerce (eCommerce Manager)
- Electronic Commerce Specialist (eCommerce Specialist)
- Entrepreneur or Startup Founder (eCommerce Business Owner)
- Expert in eCommerce in agencies and consultancies (eCommerce Consultant, eCommerce Project Manager, eCommerce Strategist)
- Account executive or responsible for online clients in brands or manufacturers of any type ( Key Account Manager )
- Digital Business Development Manager
- Online point of sale manager ( Trade Marketing Manager Online )
- Director Comercial
- Web Conversion Specialist
- Electronic Logistics Director (eLogistic Director)
- Head of Electronic Logistics (eLogistic Manager)
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.