Master's Degree in Corporate Communication
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
01 Apr 2025
Request tuition fees
Distance Learning
The online Master in Corporate Communication prepares you to develop professionally in the field of strategic management of business communication.
It is the only official and online master's degree in which core corporate disciplines are applied, such as the strategic management of communication (internal and external, and in its online and offline aspects), relations with different stakeholders or public affairs and lobbies.
Throughout the training you will study everything related to the operation of the areas that affect strategic communication, internal communication, issues management, external communication, corporate social responsibility or public affairs... You will also learn to build cultures solid corporate policies that are consistent with the interests of the organization, its audiences and its sector of activity.
Through the study of practical cases of real companies and brands, you will learn to develop effective communication plans in order to build a solid and coherent brand image in the digital field.
As Head of Communication or Corporate Marketing, you will master strategic communication with the latest trends in business communication and the most innovative techniques in areas such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Online Reputation or the measurement of results in the communication of Intangibles.
A new concept of online university
The International University of La Rioja, a university with 100% online teaching, has established itself as an educational solution adapted to the new times and to today's society. UNIR 's innovative pedagogical model has managed to create a new concept of university in which state-of-the-art technological aspects are integrated at the service of a close and quality education. The 100% online methodology allows students to study wherever they are, interacting, relating and sharing experiences with their classmates and teachers. UNIR currently has:
- More than 41,000 students.
- More than 10,000 international students.
- Presence in 90 countries on the 5 continents.
- More than 130 Undergraduate and Postgraduate titles.
- More than 4,000 collaboration agreements signed to cover internships for our students. UNIR is a responsible university with culture, economy and society. This commitment is materialized through the UNIR Foundation.
In addition, UNIR has expanded to Latin America and UNIR Mexico has been active since 2014, the first online university with live classes in the country and with its official headquarters in Mexico City.
A study plan with practical and real cases in the Master in Corporate Communication
One of the strong points of this postgraduate study plan is that in each subject you will address real problems, real cases of companies and institutions on which you will put into practice all the knowledge acquired throughout the course. The subjects are oriented so that you learn to develop effective communication plans adapted to the digital field.
Primer Cuatrimestre
- Organizational Culture and Internal Communication
- Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
- Reputation and Relations with Stakeholders
- Digital Communication in Organizations
- Management and Strategic Direction of Communication
Segundo Cuatrimestre
- Institutional Relations and Lobbies
- The Measurement of Business Intangibles
- Prácticas Externas
- Trabajo Fin de Máster
Prácticas Profesionales
Improve your skills and apply the knowledge acquired throughout the master's degree through internships in prominent companies. You can complete them in person or online, providing you with a solid base of certifiable professional experience that will prepare you to successfully enter the labor market.
Internship recognition will be granted to those people who have carried out tasks specific to the communication and/or marketing departments of companies, institutions, communication offices, etc. for a minimum of 300 hours. The functions for which they will be recognized are the design and control of internal and external communication plans, brand identity, preparation of press releases or implementation of corporate social responsibility programs.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
You will be able to present your Master's Thesis through RED Proyectum. This is a unique opportunity to do it on real organizations and companies, which will allow you to strengthen your employability and enhance your resume. Starting from a briefing provided by these organizations, you will be able to do your TFM following one of these lines of work that have been worked on during the master's degree:
- External Communication Plan.
- Internal Communication Plan.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Plan.
Program Outcome
Perfil Profesional
Once you finish the Master's Degree in Corporate Communication, you will be able to perform the following responsibilities:
- Manage the strategic communication planning of a company.
- Create the corporate identity of the organization, define its characteristics and promote its management as a strategic value.
- Study the internal and external communication processes of the organization and prepare a diagnosis that identifies possible problems, designs offline and online strategies and creates the evaluation mechanisms necessary to improve the quality of these processes.
- Manage and obtain the highest possible performance from so-called business intangibles , such as branding , reputation or corporate social responsibility, applying the most appropriate communication and brand research techniques.
- Link the communication strategy to the organization's business strategy , that is, involve all sectors of the company in the development of the strategic communication plan.
Scholarships and Funding
Becas Santander - UNIR
Programa de ayudas económicas
Contamos con 17 becas de 1.000 euros cada una para esta convocatoria de otoño 2024. Están dirigidas a estudiantes del Programa Profesional en Inteligencia Artificial y Data Science de UNIR para promover y facilitar el acceso a la Educación Superior y contribuir así a sufragar los gastos derivados de sus estudios de posgrado.
Cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, para titulados en máster en profesorado y maestros
Queda publicado en el BOE el extracto de la Resolución de 10 de julio de 2023, por la que se convocan 315 ayudas para participar en cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa destinadas a maestros y a titulados en Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas.
- Haber finalizado el Grado de Maestro en cualquiera de las especialidades en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media del expediente académico de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
- Haber finalizado los estudios de Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas en alguno de los siguientes cursos académicos: 2021-2022, 2020-2021 o 2019-2020 con una nota media en el máster de, al menos, 7,50 puntos.
Plan de movilidad ERASMUS+
Tras la consecución de la ECHE (carta Erasmus de Educación Superior), desde UNIR se está trabajando en un ambicioso plan de movilidad, condicionado por nuestra naturaleza virtual, a partir de una nueva Oficina creada al efecto, que va a ser la encargada de coordinar todas las acciones en dicho ámbito.
Además, en UNIR contamos con acuerdos bilaterales de movilidad con instituciones de educación superior europeas, coordinando internamente todas nuestras acciones con los distintos departamentos implicados, y dando máxima divulgación e información a las acciones de movilidad dentro de nuestra comunidad universitaria.
- Información general
- Convocatorias
Dentro de las acciones de movilidad del programa Erasmus+, UNIR participa también en la modalidad de prácticas internacionales. El programa Erasmus+ de movilidad para el aprendizaje permite hacer hasta 12 meses de movilidad entre prácticas y formación dentro de la misma titulación, e incluso llevar a cabo ésta una vez finalizados o concluidos tus estudios.
Documentación para la tramitación de Becas
Para poder remitir la documentación necesaria para la posterior tramitación de su solicitud de Beca General ofertada por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional le indicamos el siguiente enlace:
- Le adjuntamos PDF con las instrucciones pertinentes. Deberá registrarse y subir la documentación.
- Le recordamos que la siguiente herramienta únicamente almacena los documentos facilitados a nuestra Universidad, para su posterior tramitación ante el organismo competente, con el fin de archivar, evitar duplicidades y dar seguridad al proceso.
Ideal Students
This postgraduate course is aimed at students and professionals who are interested in:
- Becoming a successful communications director in any organization.
- Acquire skills to build effective and profitable communication plans.
- Improve the internal and external dimension, relations and lobbies .
Career Opportunities
Some of the professional profiles that you will be able to access thanks to what you learn in this specialization in corporate communication are:
- Director of communication. Maximum person responsible for designing and managing the organization's communication strategy.
- Head of Corporate Marketing. Responsible for communication and management of corporate marketing in the company.
- Communication and Digital Communication Technician. Carry out the communication strategy efficiently and in line with the company's values.
- Head of Corporate Communication. In charge of a company's communication plan and who heads the internal and external corporate communication management strategy.
- Corporate Communication Consultant. Advice and proposal of strategic communication and marketing solutions adapted to the requirements and needs of the clientele.
- Public and Institutional Relations. Design, organize and plan public relations events and actions within the framework of organizational and internal communication.
- Responsible for Internal Communication. Define the company's internal communication policy and strategy, guaranteeing the correct transmission of messages through the use of effective channels.