Master of Business Intelligence
Online Mexico
18 Months
Part time
Request application deadline
01 May 2025
Request tuition fees
Distance Learning
Master's with a learning model that enhances the practical part with live online classes
- Duration: 18 months, 3 semesters
- Online exams
- Credits: 81
- Methodology: Teaching taught 100% online
- Live classes: They are also recorded
- Personal tutor
The Master in Business Intelligence will enable you to train in a profile prepared to apply the most recent data visualization, processing and analysis techniques, which companies are demanding so much.
The online Master in Business Intelligence from UNIR Mexico relies on the latest data analysis technologies and techniques in order to understand the context and relevance of business data for transformation in organizations. You will be able to specialize in the phases of a business project: data extraction, visualization and data processing, with the most current and used tools on the market.
You will become one of the most demanded profiles by companies, which currently have a large volume of data that organizations need to know how to handle and interpret in order to make decisions.
The official Master in Business Intelligence and 100% online from a business approach that will help you make business decisions in a practical way.
Do not wait more! Study one of the most demanded master's degrees on the market.
The Master in Business Intelligence of UNIR Mexico will have knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills such as:
- Promote accelerated change in organizations through digital transformation
- Manage information through different systems for making business decisions in changing environments
- Apply the knowledge acquired in a real case and choose the most appropriate Big Data technologies and techniques to apply them in a business problem
- Use innovative and creative methodologies, such as design thinking and business process canvas
- Specify the economic value contribution of modern business intelligence solutions
Double Mexican and European title
At UNIR Mexico we know that it is important to have an international profile. For that reason, at the end of your Master's Degree, a double degree that will make your curriculum vitae more attractive:
- Master in Business Intelligence, awarded by UNIR Mexico and which has the recognition of official validity of RVOE studies by the SEP
- Master in Strategic Intelligence applied to Business, a European degree with curricular value, awarded by the International University of La Rioja, Spain
Intermediate graduates
Upon successful completion of each module, you will obtain a Diploma degree in the area of knowledge of that period.
- Diploma in Customer-focused Data Management
- Diploma in Data Science Applied to Business
- Diploma in Applied Business Intelligence
Practical methodology
More practical learning model that seeks to enhance the flexibility of your studies.
- The more theoretical classes are made up of little pills of no more than 5-10 minutes on key concepts. At the end, a test and a video about its resolution is included
- Live classes to solve practical cases. 41 classes lasting 2 hours
- You can use any device: computer, mobile and tablet