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UNIGIS Salzburg - Paris Lodron University Salzburg


UNIGIS is a distance learning program at Paris Lodron University Salzburg. It is part of the Department of Geoinformatics. UNIGIS Salzburg offers two programs: - UNIGIS professional: an academic professional diploma in GIS, with 60 ECTS, 1-year-program - UNIGIS MSc: a Bologna-conform Master of Science in Geographical Information Science & Systems (GIS), with 120 ECTS, 2-year-program Start: twice a year, in March and in October The UNIGIS distance learning programs are fully online, flexible, and designed for people who are already working.

UNIGIS provides a profound online education in GIS, covering topics such as data structures, data acquisition, geodata(base)-management, spatial analysis, cartography and visualization, application development, spatial statistics, and OpenGIS. Students have the opportunity to specialize in a specific field of GIS e.g. remote sensing, spatial simulation, environmental monitoring, or programming in GIS.

UNIGIS is a distance learning program at Paris Lodron University Salzburg. It is part of the Department of Geoinformatics. UNIGIS Salzburg offers two programs:

  • UNIGIS professional: an academic professional diploma in GIS, with 60 ECTS, 1-year-program
  • UNIGIS MSc: a Bologna-conform Master of Science in Geographical Information Science & Systems (GIS), with 120 ECTS, 2-year-program / Start of both programs: twice a year, in March and in October.

The UNIGIS distance learning programs are fully online, flexible, and designed for people who are already working.

Students study in small groups and get supported by the UNIGIS tutors, the administration team, and the lecturers. The materials are provided online and are subject to ongoing revision to ensure high quality and up-to-date knowledge. The lecturers are experts in their fields and come from both science and industry.

By now, UNIGIS has grown a network of 3000+ alumni and students worldwide. Students come from different backgrounds and domains, including archaeology, agronomy, biology, business administration, cartography, civil engineering, criminology, disaster and risk management, emergency response management, economics, ecology, geography, geology, informatics, forestry, geophysics, geodesy and surveying, geomatics, hydrology, insurance, meteorology, natural hazard mitigation, politics, regional sciences, spatial and landscape planning, sociology, zoology. UNIGIS programs can be studied in English, German, and Spanish (more information:

Read more on the institution's website

Am I Eligible for the UNIGIS Professional Program?

To be eligible for the “Geographical Information Systems (UNIGIS professional)” you need to

  • Hold a general university entry qualification for university / Higher education that is equivalent to the Austrian “Matura” certificate; e.g. High-School Diploma, A-level, Matriculation, Abitur. The equivalency will be checked by the program director.
  • Sufficient English language skills: language level B2 or higher according to the Common European Framework (CEF), or equivalent qualifications.

The Program Director decides on the admission to the study program considering available study places, the application documents, and the orientation interview.

Am I Eligible for the UNIGIS Master Program?

To be eligible for the "Geographical Information Science & Systems – UNIGIS MSc (CE)"

  • New students applying to the online M.S. in GIS program must have a B.A. or B.S. degree or its international equivalent, with a minimum 3.0 GPA (A=4.0).
  • Sufficient English language skills: language level B2 or higher according to the Common European Framework (CEF), or equivalent qualifications.

The Program Director decides on the admission to the study program considering available study places, the application documents, and the orientation interview.

Stay connected after graduation: the ClubUNIGIS network

UNIGIS Salzburg students & alumni a.k.a ClubUNIGIS is an international GIS-Community of 800 active students and more than 2,700 alumni, who graduated from UNIGIS Salzburg. This global network in Geoinformatics encourages the communication, fosters the exchange of news and ideas and offers discounts and services.

The membership to ClubUNIGIS automatically begins with the UNIGIS studies and is a life-long offer to all alumni after graduation free of charge. With ClubUNIGIS, students and alumni stay connected, keep up-to-date with the trends in Geoinformatics, profit from discounts, and are welcome to take UNIGIS optional modules also after graduation.

In addition to face-to-face meetings that we frequently organise at events and conferences, the ClubUNIGIS communicates through social media groups. Active students and alumni are invited to join the UNIGIS Alumni & Students Worldwide network on Linkedin.

    At 4pm (CEST). Join us online and learn about the online programmes. Ask your questions in a Q&A part.

    Francesco Collivignarelli

    The program seemed perfect for me, being able to seamlessly combine study with work, allowing me to bridge the science gap I felt I had and add a higher academic degree to my resume. I met high-profile professors who administered high-quality lectures and received constant support from tutors and the UNIGIS office. I met special people among the fellows, with whom I exchanged views throughout the MSc. The workload was manageable with characteristic peak periods that required an increased pace. The master thesis time was great. I was also able to be part of the research world for the last few months of my studies. Ultimately, I would recommend this program to anyone who cannot afford full-time or in-person study, without giving up top quality. Now I’m a GI-Master; thank you UNIGIS, thank you PLUS!

    Mohammed Salim AI Sulaimani

    The impression I got about the UNIGIS Program was exceeding my expectation. It involves different GIS aspects and applications. I have learnt so much from all constructive input and guidance through each lesson of each module. I have spent an enjoyable and non-forgettable time studying within UNIGIS. I would like to express my gratitude to both professional administrative and academic teams for the intensive support that they have provided.

    Marien Tijssen

    Surrounded by moving boxes I started studying one week after our arrival in Sweden. I had the time to learn a new language and start my first steps in the world of geoinformatics. I enjoyed the master program and the contact with team UNIGIS. Despite a distance study it felt I was actually part of the university. After completing the main program I began my research and wrote my master thesis in object based change detection. I completed the master program in the summer of 2018. Shortly after graduating I was offered a job in Norrköping (Sweden).

    Chandrama Khadka

    I am a graduate in Forestry from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu and my project aim is to identify suitable areas for growing new commercial tree-crops to increase the income of the local farmers. The ‘suitability analysis’ is a challenging task as it requires integration of several climatic and spatial factors. I knew that Geospatial technologies can make my work efficient so I was searching for a good GIS course. While being ‘On-Job’, I got an excellent opportunity to join MSc. in GIScience and Systems with UNIGIS Kathmandu Forestry College which made my work impressive and effective.

    Rupesh Maharjan

    I see that the use of GIS is prominent in every sector including health, environment, space and many more. Likewise, I am from forestry background and use of GIS in my sector is very significant, especially in the research of forest resources. From the beginning, I enjoyed learning new tools and techniques of GIS which further instigated me to opt my academic career in GIScience and Systems with UNIGIS MSc at Kathmandu Forestry College. Initially, I had a doubt about the program as it was carried out through distance learning modality, however, the course content and support from the facilitators made my learning even more enjoyable and practical. Most importantly, the flexibility of the program gave me quite a lot of opportunity to work and carry out my degree at the same time. So, I got a chance to enhance my career successfully both academically and professionally. I am thankful to Kathmandu Forestry College and University of Salzburg.

    Patric Loydell

    I have recently completed my Professional Diploma from UNIGIS Salzburg, and I’m wanting to enrol in the UNIGIS Salzburg MSc program. Whilst doing my Professional Diploma, it has allowed for me to expand my working knowledge of GIS as well as teaching me many new disciplines within the field of GIS. The manner in which the course is structured allowed for me to continue with my full time job whilst being able to keep my studies on track. When I encountered any issues in my studies, they were tended to by the UNIGIS Salzburg team in a very quick and professional manner. I would recommend UNIGIS to anybody who is interested in the GIS field or for those that want to further their studies in the field of GIS.

    Jim O'Lerry

    I have put in an uncountable number of hours in the past two years working on my courses in the UNIGIS MSc program, but I can say in truth that I have enjoyed every one of those hours. I have learned a tremendous amount about the deeper subjects in GIS, which was my goal when I entered the program.

    Thabisile Rambau

    Since enrolled with UNIGIS MSc program, I have gained a very intensive knowledge and skills in the field of Geographical information Science. The program has helped me to understand my work better and my work performance has improved significantly. The program has opened doors for me to be able to interact on the high level with other GIS professionals. The professionalism of UNIGIS employees and the way the UNIGIS course is structured makes it possible for me to be able to manage my day to day work and still keep my studies on track.

    Ivo Planotscher

    My UNIGIS knowledge contributed significantly to the fact that I was able to found a private IT company, which is still successfully operating on the European IT market today. Looking back I can say without doubt that the UNIGIS courses are designed in such a way that all theoretical approaches are conveyed to the students as practically as possible, so that they are able to exercise the profession of a GIS analyst in the best possible and immediate way in their daily work.

    • Salzburg

      Schillerstraße, 30, 5020, Salzburg

    UNIGIS Salzburg - Paris Lodron University Salzburg