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Three Points Digital Business School

know us

Three Points, The School for Digital Business, originates in Barcelona, a technological hub, with the aim of providing an innovative vision in the training of future digital experts. With recent events, training in technological skills has ceased to be another growth option to become a must for all those professionals who want to evolve and stay on the crest of the digital wave.

At Three Points we understand training in digital skills as a means to increase the competitiveness of professionals and companies, in a way that results in the sustainability of businesses and, therefore, of the societies where professionals and organizations operate.

Digitization goes beyond mere knowledge and technological mastery. The organizations that succeed are those that adapt to the new digital culture: agile, customer-centric, data-driven organizations that seek to advance to change by experimenting with new business models and continuous improvement processes. For this reason, together with the understanding of technological advances and how they open us up new business opportunities, we work on the soft skills that most demand digital culture in the company: adaptation to change, creativity, negotiation, leadership and time management.


Accompany the people who must lead today the digitization of companies and organizations, connecting training in digital skills with the necessary cultural change, to raise the level of competitiveness of the societies where they operate.


To be a reference in adapting to the evolution of society and the economy, and in our desire to connect professionals and companies to face the constant and changing challenges of digitization.

Academic Partner

Three Points, The School for Digital Business, has the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) as an academic partner that endorses the school's programs. The UPC, based in Barcelona, is one of Europe's leading polytechnic universities in the fields of engineering, architecture, science and technology.

The university has 64 degrees, 68 master's degrees, 46 doctoral programs and 234 permanent training programs distributed in its 20 teaching centers. In addition, the UPC is a public research institution with more than 50 patents in the last year and an investment in R & D & I of more than 61M euros.

The UPC certifies each year more than 6,000 undergraduate and master students, and more than 500 doctors. It is one of the universities with a high rate of job placement for its graduates: 93% work and 76% find work in less than 3 months.

4 reasons to choose Three Points


Our methodology is fully adapted to your time and your needs, thus being able to combine your academic life with your personal and professional life.

In addition, you will have all the necessary support during the program so that you can develop professionally and personally.


You will learn from leading teacher practitioners in their sector and business area who are currently active.

Our faculty is in first-hand contact with the changes taking place in the sector, as well as with the new trends, tools and functionalities that are being developed.

Final Master Project

You will work on a Final Master Project that will base its premises on real needs of first-rate companies.

In addition, you will start working on it from the beginning, so that you will be able to apply all the knowledge that you acquire throughout the program.

Academic Partner

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) endorses the Three Points programs academically.

The UPC is a public institution that has become one of the leading polytechnic universities in Europe, with good positions in the main international rankings.

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