Food Safety (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
1 up to 6 Years
Part time
22 Aug 2025
08 Sep 2025
GBP 19,100 / per year *
Distance Learning
* estimated tuition for food safety (MSc) | PgCert: £6,370 | PgDip: £12,735
Why study this programme?
Based in the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS), the MSc is uniquely positioned to draw expertise from the world-class staff based in the vet school, Roslin Institute and the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security.
Globally, poor food safety affects 600 million people and results in 420,000 deaths in a year (World Health Organisation report; Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases, 2015).
This report highlighted the importance of producing safe food to save human lives, reduce morbidity, conserve resources and improve the economy of every country.
Concern about foodborne diseases is a heightened public health concern worldwide.
The contamination of food with microorganisms or chemicals may occur at any stage in the process from food production to consumption. Environmental contamination, including pollution of water, soil, or air, also poses a threat.
What will I learn?
Uniquely positioned to provide a holistic (“farm to fork”) food safety approach to the food chain, this MSc covers key food safety issues in:
- Agricultural food production
- Harvest
- Slaughter
- Processing
- Storage
- Transport
- Retail
- Consumption
This MSc considers the pre- and post-harvest stages of agricultural food production. It incorporates:
- The drivers and economics of food safety throughout the food chain,
- How to minimize, detect and deal with potential hazards in crop production, animal products, food processing, manufacture, and storage
- How to collect and analyse data from a foodborne disease outbreak
- A guide to relevant microbial and chemical hazards, and testing systems.
- Designing and implementing food safety management systems
- An introduction to animal welfare and food safety/quality concerns on farms, transport vehicles, slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, including waste management
- Guides to relevant legislation, comparing legislation and issues with labelling, traceability, enforcement, and food fraud
- Other topics are available in elective options
Courses within the MSc in Food Safety programme, once accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), can be used by veterinarians towards the RCVS Certificate or Diploma in Veterinary Public Health.
The programme aligns and contributes to the current European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) approved specialist standard residency training programme that occurs at the RDSVS.
Program Outcome
Beyond gaining factual knowledge of the immediate subject matter, programme participation is designed to achieve a series of key learning outcomes:
- · Critical identification, evaluation and assessment of the main theories, principles and concepts related to sources and pathways of foodborne hazards along the food chain and formulation of bespoke intervention strategies to mitigate the risk to public health
- · Use of a significant range of the principal skills, techniques and practices associated with the evaluation of economic burdens of foodborne diseases, epidemiological and statistical analysis of food safety data and most advanced practices to isolate and identify microbiological foodborne hazards from different food matrixes
- · Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to a holistic approach to animal health, animal welfare, plant and environmental health as an integral part of food safety and how this can contribute to improving efficiency and saving resources from a food security perspective.
- Critically evaluate food safety data by applying epidemiological and statistical methods (including statistical software) from collection to presentation including data generation, collection, curation, backup, cleaning, analysis and communication
- · Deal with complex professional issues, to make informed judgements, on your own or collectively, about food safety
Career Opportunities
This programme aims to equip you with the fundamental knowledge and expertise to be able to influence and promote food safety at different levels of your organisation.
It gives solid grounds to enhance your career, help secure a position, or pursue a different career in food safety-related organisations. Whether for the government, for the industry or in research, for example, to prepare for a PhD in Food Safety or to have a more hands-on experience.
As a graduate of the food safety programme, you have a range of options, often progressing your current career to a higher level.
There are careers available in managing, auditing, and inspecting food safety and quality in both large and small production and manufacturing environments.
Some of our students are vets and are progressing in their careers in veterinary public health.
Others run their businesses, or are setting up their businesses, and are aware of their need to be up-to-date with the legislation and current food traceability, safety and quality issues.
Local and international governmental and non-governmental organisations are also destinations for food safety experts.
The degree programme is structured to allow sequential progression from individual courses to Certificate, Diploma and MSc phases. Students may also exit the programme on completion of each phase.
The programme is designed to be taken part-time over three years at 20 hours per week, with the option to complete in up to six years if required.
The completion times are as follows:
- PgCert: 1-2 years
- PgDip: 2-4 years
- MSc: 3-6 years
Year 1
You will take 4 compulsory courses:
- Food Supply Chain and Food Safety
- Data Analysis for Food Safety
- Food Safety Hazards and Food Safety Management Systems
- Food Production Systems
If you successfully complete Year 1 and exit the programme, you will be awarded a PG Certificate (PG Cert) in Food Safety.
Year 2
You will take 2 compulsory courses:
- Food Processing and Waste Management
- Research Methods and Data Analysis
You will also choose 2 to 3 elective courses (10 or 20 credits) from within the postgraduate taught (PGT) portfolio of courses which allow you to follow your own interests.
Courses within Food Safety and Global Food Security fields include:
- Food Traceability
- Labelling
- Fraud and Crime
- Food Policy
- Innovations in Sustainable Food Systems
Elective options are also available from One Health and Livestock Management topics, such as:
- One Health Policy
- Production Animal Welfare
- Globalisation and Health
If you successfully complete Years 1 and 2 and exit the programme, will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) in Food Safety.
Year 3
You will complete a final dissertation to gain the award of MSc.
Postgraduate Professional Development
Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) is aimed at working professionals who want to advance their knowledge through postgraduate-level learning, without the time, or financial commitment, of a full award.
You may take a maximum of 50 credits worth of courses from within this degree over two years and gain a University of Edinburgh postgraduate award of academic credit.
It may also be possible to continue your studies after one year and put credits towards a postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or full master's degree. Any time spent taking courses through the PPD scheme will be deducted from the amount of time you have left to complete the higher award.
Although PPD courses have various start dates throughout a year you may only start a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate programme in September.
Additional professional qualifications
You will take 60 credits per year over the three-year MSc programme.
You will undertake:
- SCQF level 11 compulsory courses - 90 credits
- elective courses - 30 credits
- specialist training with a final dissertation - 60 credits
This credit load and the syllabus allow the programme to align and contribute to the current European College of Veterinary Public Health (VPH) approved specialist standard residency training programme that occurs at the RDSVS. However, there will not be any overlap in assessments or awards.
The European College Diplomas are awarded following independent examinations run by the relevant College at the end of the residency.
Credentials to sit the examinations vary between the Colleges but typically involve:
- A minimum number of time spent on VPH activities
- At least three papers accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals
Courses of the MSc in Food Safety, once accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), can be used by veterinarians towards the RCVS Certificate or Diploma in VPH.
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
Funding for postgraduate study is different to undergraduate study, and many students need to combine funding sources to pay for their studies.
Most students use a combination of the following funding to pay their tuition fees and living costs:
- Borrowing money
- Taking out a loan
- Family support
- Taking out a loan
- Family support
- Personal savings
- Income from work
- Employer sponsorship
- Scholarships
Student Testimonials
Program delivery
Online learning
The University of Edinburgh has been delivering online postgraduate programmes since 2005 and is the largest provider of online programmes in the prestigious Russell Group of universities.
How will I learn?
As an online student, not only do you have access to Edinburgh's excellent resources, but you will also become part of a supportive online community, bringing together students and tutors from around the world.
You will engage with learning materials on a week-by-week basis, accessing lecture materials developed specifically for online learners.
You will take part in online discussion boards with fellow students and activities set by the tutors.
You also have access to lecturers via live sessions.
How will I be assessed?
The programme has been designed to use a range of assessment tools, both formative and summative, with multiple feedback opportunities across the programme.
Summative assessment and feedback have been designed to help you develop the key skills associated with the learning outcomes.
Assessment is tied to practical applications such as report and project proposal writing. Examples include:
- A data analysis report for a foodborne disease outbreak
- A qualitative microbiological risk assessment report
- A brief for an information sheet on dioxins for farmers
- A presentation on HACCP measures for a method of food processing
- A procedural strategy to verify the veracity of food labels
- Developing a dissertation research proposal selected by you with the programme team
Formative assessment, for example, multiple-choice questions and discussion groups, will be included in each course to provide opportunities for feedback before assessment deadlines.
Opportunities will be provided for formative feedback on assessment drafts.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.