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The Economist - Executive Education


Since its founding, The Economist has established itself as a trusted source for all things business and politics, championing information based on fact and rigor.

Since its founding, The Economist has established itself as a trusted source for all things business and politics, championing information based on fact and rigor.

The Economist’s vision of the world, style, and philosophy sets it apart. With an international focus and reach, it provides objective analysis and original insight, while remaining irreverent and independent.

About The Economist

Through its global perspective and unique voice, The Economist has harnessed digital technology to provide readers and audiences from around the world with a trusted filter on international affairs. With brevity, clarity, opinion, and wit, The Economist distills what matters on the global agenda and, most importantly, what to make of it. That’s why millions read The Economist every week, including the world’s leading political and business figures.

The Economist online courses

The Economist’s objectivity of opinion and originality of insight is shown in its course offering, which will equip participants with the knowledge to navigate the impact of global issues in their context. Harnessing its unique global perspective, The Economist is able to create educational content that provides conceptual tools to plan effectively for global change.

Why learn online with The Economist

The Economist and GetSmarter have compiled a wide variety of notes, infographics, animations, videos, and case studies to blend theoretical and practical knowledge. Guest speakers include senior editors from The Economist on their specialist subjects and global leaders in their fields. Practical teachings will be enriched by small- and large-group discussions, and assignments are designed to engage and challenge participants from around the world. Drawing out relevance and implications for individual organizations and roles, the course adds ongoing value to each participant’s business and professional life.


+1 847 440 3906
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  • London

    John Adam Street,1-11, WC2N 6HT, London

    The Economist - Executive Education