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Swiss School of Business and Management


SSBM is a global, innovative and unique school with students from all around the world. Our programs were designed with over 30 industry partners. We guarantee Swiss Quality Education and excellence. SSBM Geneva is ACBSP accredited and EduQua certified. Our VISION is to be a unique, innovative and international business & management school offering premium research, practice, and education. We are committed to continuously provide educational excellence and our expertise in business education through our innovative cutting-edge technology and our high-quality learning experience. We encourage diversity and global connectivity between our students, faculty and business partners.

Take advantage of this opportunity to embark on a journey of academic and professional growth. Win a scholarship for the BBA or MBA/Master Program at SSBM Geneva Campus – June 30th is the final day for enrollment.

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About SSBM

SSBM is a global, innovative and unique school with students from all around the world. Our programs were designed with over 30 industry partners. We guarantee Swiss Quality Education and excellence.


SSBM Geneva is ACBSP accredited and EduQua certified. ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) is a leading specialized accreditation body for business education and considered to be one of the best accreditations for business schools.

EduQua is Swiss quality label for further education institutions (EduQua) (in German: Schweizerisches Qualitätszertifikat für Weiterbildungsinstitutionen “EduQua” ), is the Swiss national quality assurance body and the first Swiss quality label geared towards adult continuing education. EduQua is an accreditation body recognized and supported by the Swiss Confederate Government; it’s the first quality certification for public and private educational institutions in Switzerland. EduQua is the premier quality assurance body accreditation scheme for continuing education. The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) endorses eduQua as an officially recognized quality assurance scheme.

EduQua quality label can be received only through a recognized inspection body by the Swiss Accreditation Bureau SAS (Schweizerischen Akkreditierungsstelle SAS) under the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO which is part of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.


Our Vision

Our VISION is to be a unique, innovative and international business & management school offering premium research, practice and education.

Our Mission

We are committed to continuously provide educational excellence and our expertise in business education through our innovative cutting-edge technology and our high-quality learning experience supported by relevant research. We encourage diversity and global connectivity between our students, faculty and business partners, while placing high importance on the benefits that our business can bring to the society as well as the environment.

A Relevant Education

SSBM will help you acquire habits of reflection and critical thinking that are crucial to understanding today’s society. Recognizing the fact that individual success is intertwined with the larger world, we encourage students to engage in improving their critical thinking.

Why Choose SSBM?

  • SSBM is a truly innovative and leading business and management school that aims at taking education to a new level!
  • We aim at providing a superior learning experience that will have a direct impact on your professional development.
  • With our unique programs, you will strengthen your strategic vision, efficiency and leadership to manage today’s organizations.


Our Programs

Our programs were designed in partnership with over 30 international companies!

We believe that knowledge comes from having strong ties with industry leaders. That is why we have partnered with some of the leading international companies to design programs that are adapted to business realities.


Our Faculty

Our faculty is world-renowned and in the average majority of them have worked for over 15 years in various international companies. This fact helps us in our objective of providing a superior learning experience that will have a direct impact on your professional development.

Based in Geneva, Switzerland

Swiss School of Business and Management sits right at the heart of business in the vibrant city of Geneva, Switzerland. Situated along the banks of Lake Geneva at the foot of the Alps, Geneva sparkles as one of Europe’s most beautiful cities.

Geneva is a global city, a financial center, and a worldwide center for diplomacy due to the presence of numerous international organizations, including the headquarters of many companies and international agencies.

Business Partners

SSBM’s faculty and collaborators have provided consulting, teaching and project-based service to over 70 international and national companies.

We believe that academic knowledge has to be in a tight connection with the industry, which is the driving force for better knowledge in today’s rapidly changing environment.


  • International students:


  • 0
  • Student to faculty ratio:

    18 to 1

Our Campuses

SSBM Geneva offers the educational programs at 4 locations: Geneva (Switzerland), Zagreb (Croatia), Shanghai (China) and Moscow (Russia).


    Powerful Alumni

    Networking is of key importance. Our alumni are composed of people holding various managerial positions from managers, executives to CxOs level.

    The more people you know, the stronger your social and professional network is. Our Alumni club is an effective and engaging way to build that needed network.


      Abraham G Melgar - MBA

      “All the programs at SSBM have been wonderful and the teachers were extremely helpful. In my specific case, the course that helped me pay for the entire MBA degree and set the the foundation for my financial well-being in life is the finance course at SSBM” Abraham Melgar, Country Sales Manager, Bolivia

      Rohini Ghavari - DBA

      “I’m very happy with the support of my mentor. It is really amazing and I’m enjoying my journey.” Rohini Ghavari, DBA Student, India

      Lisa Tamlia - Executive DBA

      “I am very impressed with my experience in the DBA program! It is also a great network and collaboration with a professional network of great students around the globe” Business Instructor, USA

      Apostol Georgiev - Bachelor

      “Studying at SSBM Geneva has been extremely impactful for the way I look at business organizations. There are so many things I’ve learned…” Apostol Georgiev, Risk consultant at Wells Fargo

      Aser Matter - MBA

      “The greatest benefit of the program was much more than the “piece of paper”…Thanks to the SSBM for the MBA program, I know that I have all of the tools to be a successful and ethical leader.” Aser Mater, Director, Jaz Hotel Group

      Elisa Simeoni - MBA

      “SSBM offers high level education with experienced professors and effective learning. This is a great opportunity to boost my career and invest in quality education” Elisa Simeoni, Talent Manager, i-surance, France

      David Annan - DBA

      It was a great experience and I want to thank entire SSBM for an amazing support during my thesis. I’m also proud to be part of DBA mentors after I finished my DBA journey

      Alex E. Asampong - Executive DBA

      “SSBM is highly efficient regarding information, assistance and all tools one needs to accomplish study successfully. Undoubtedly, I am very proud of my excellent experience with SSBM”. Alex E. Asampong, Lecturer Utrecht University, Netherlands

      Katarina Lasic - Executive DBA

      “I completed the Executive MBA program and it has been quite an experience. I have enjoyed myself and my expectations have been exceeded”. Katarina Lasic, Finance Director, Novo Nordisk

      Adina Grecu - Executive MBA

      “It is a great experience and I truly appreciate this chance that I have received, to study at SSBM Geneva, one of the top 10 European Business Schools offering online MBAs”. Adina Grecu, Head of Digital & Online Marketing , Switzerland


      • Geneva

        Avenue des Morgines 12

      • Petit-Lancy

        Avenue des Morgines,12

        Swiss School of Business and Management