St. Stephen's University
Proudly the smallest university in Canada, St. Stephen's University is a premier Liberal Arts university, only accepting up to 30 students each year.
Proudly the smallest university in Canada, St. Stephen's University is a premier Liberal Arts university, only accepting up to 30 students each year. Believing that education happens better in a small learning community in which everybody can contribute, professors share daily life with students, actually getting to know them as friends. In this unique setting, each and every student's innate aptitudes can be recognised and explored, preparing them for a career that fits who they are.
Students live together in a former hotel in a small town in New Brunswick, participating in cooking and cleaning together as well as studying and relaxing. And for two whole terms, they travel the world together as a class, visiting more than a dozen countries in Europe and Asia.
At the core of the university, the staff and faculty are Christians, giving the community a caring foundation of acceptance and inclusion. Students from all backgrounds, spiritual perspectives and stages in life’s journey are welcomed, with no religious entry requirements or mandatory practices. SSU values and enjoys this diversity, and wants to be a place where young adults can be who they really are, and grow in maturity in their intellectual, spiritual, practical, and relational lives.
SSU offers degrees in Humanities, Psychology and International Studies. All degrees provide graduates with the flexibility of mind, a multiplicity of perspectives and an increased capacity for innovation. SSU focuses on teaching students how to think, how to present an argument, how to solve problems and how to relate well to diverse people. Employers love this! The SSU experience opens up a world of possibilities for either further education or a rewarding career, preparing students for life and work and helping them figure out what they want to do. SSU graduates have gone on to study or work in a huge variety of areas including the following: art therapy, business, disaster relief, education, film, fine arts, journalism, law, management, ministry, nursing, politics, social work, theology, and urban planning.
- Saint John
8 Main Street St. Stephen, E3L 3E2, Saint John