Purdue Online - Polytechnic Institute
The Purdue Online - Polytechnic Institute is one of 10 academic colleges at Purdue University, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in a wide range of disciplines. The college includes seven academic schools, departments, and divisions.
The Purdue Online - Polytechnic Institute is one of 10 academic colleges at Purdue University, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in a wide range of disciplines. The college includes seven academic schools, departments, and divisions:
- Aviation and Transportation Technology
- Engineering Technology
- Computer and Information Technology
- Computer Graphics Technology
- Construction Management Technology
- Military Science & Technology
- Technology Leadership & Innovation
In addition to Purdue University’s main campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue Polytechnic offers select degree programs in nine Indiana communities. The college is undergoing a major transformation that affects all facets of the college. The Polytechnic name best embodies the characteristics, elements, and philosophy of the transformed college and readily represents a distinctive brand that highlights the unique nature of the learning experience. The academic programs combine theory-based applied learning, team-based projects, integrated humanities studies, competency-based credentialing, and a series of experiential components such as industry-sponsored senior capstone projects, internships, global immersions, and certification-earning activities. The Polytechnic learning experience is designed to produce graduates who not only have the deep technical knowledge and applied skills in their chosen discipline, but also possess problem-solving, critical thinking, communications, and leadership skills sought by industries and communities. Research within the college also continues to expand and strengthen, with five signature areas propelling the college to the technological and scientific forefront:
- Bio-Inspired Sustainability
- Robotics, Manufacturing, and Autonomy
- Closed-Loop Healthcare
- Innovative STEM Education
- Human Scale Computing
Whether delivering a transformed learning experience to produce industry-ready graduates who have the skills for today’s economy or conducting use-inspired research to advance the evolution of technology and solve real-world challenges, the Purdue Polytechnic Institute aims to be a global leader. Purdue Polytechnic was founded in 1964 as Purdue University’s School of Technology. It was renamed College of Technology in 2005, and in 2015, the Board of Trustees approved its current name in support of the college’s transformation and as part of President Mitch Daniels’ Purdue Moves initiative.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission To inspire, educate, and mentor students through learn-by-doing and integrated study, preparing graduates for success as future technology innovators and industry leaders; and to advance trans-disciplinary learning, engagement, and use-inspired research addressing important state and global challenges. Vision We are a transformational college unbounded by tradition ... Pioneers, of learn-by-doing and use-inspired research. Statement of Integrity and Code of Conduct At Purdue and the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, integrity is indispensable to our mission. We act with honesty and adhere to the highest standards of moral and ethical values and principles through our personal and professional behaviour. We demonstrate our understanding of these values and principles and uphold them in every action and decision. Trust and trustworthiness go hand in hand with how we conduct ourselves, as we sustain a culture that is based upon ethical conduct We expect our actions to be consistent with our words, and our words to be consistent with our intentions. We accept our responsibilities, share leadership in a democratic spirit, and subject ourselves to the highest standards of public trust. We hold ourselves accountable for our words and our actions. We uphold the highest stands of fairness, act as responsible citizens, respect equality amidst diversity, preserve the rights of others, and treat all individuals with dignity. To fulfil our goals as a learning community, we insist that the objectives of student learning are not compromised. We treat all students equitably, and our evaluations of learning achievements are impartial and based solely on demonstrated academic performance. As a land-grant institution, we demonstrate our responsiveness to our constituencies and extend to them access to our knowledge resources. We pledge to make wise use of our resources and to be good stewards of financial, capital, and human resources.
Polytechnic Learning Environment
The Purdue Polytechnic Institute is responding to the changes in our students and society — we are transforming our learning environment to better serve their needs. Purdue Polytechnic’s unique learning environment is defined by a combination of 10 key elements. THEORY-BASED APPLIED LEARNING We start by studying the theory, then we apply it . . . we really apply it. Learning by doing is the foundation of Purdue University’s Polytechnic learning experience. It’s a powerful and proven approach that drives students to better understand and retain concepts. TEAM PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Companies and communities rely on teamwork to achieve success. We practice it. From the first semester to the last, team projects are a cornerstone of Purdue Polytechnic programs, exposing students to team dynamics, deadlines, and problem-solving techniques. MODERNIZED TEACHING METHODS Why do classes have to be taught by an instructor lecturing in front of a classroom? They don’t. More and more of our courses employ research-proven, state-of-the-art teaching methods known as active learning. It’s different, fun, challenging, and more effective. INTEGRATED LEARNING-IN-CONTEXT CURRICULA Students learn more readily when 1) they have a deep understanding of the purpose of their learning, 2) their learning occurs just in time before it is needed, and 3) the learning outcomes are tied to practical experiences. Our courses follow these pillars of purpose, timing, and practicality. INTEGRATED HUMANITIES STUDIES The integration of technology studies with humanities and social science studies improve student critical thinking, creativity, logic, and innovation. Polytechnic students graduate with these skills and are well prepared for a lifetime of learning and success. COMPETENCY CREDENTIALING Students demonstrate mastery of concepts and applied skills (known as competencies), enjoy the flexibility to focus on their interests while learning at their own pace, and build e-portfolios to showcase their capabilities. Purdue is a leader in competency-based learning. SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECTS Real projects with real clients benefit students, companies, and communities. Purdue Polytechnic programs include senior capstone projects that allow students to apply what they have learned to solve real-world challenges selected by corporate and community partners. INTERNSHIPS We don’t simply encourage students to pursue internships – we embed them and other workforce-like activities into our programs. In the summer or during the semester, students use these opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills and set the foundation for future employment. GLOBAL/CULTURAL IMMERSIONS The world is shrinking while our global and cultural opportunities are growing. Boasting a multicultural learning environment filled with faculty, staff, and students from over 100 countries, Purdue PolyteAchnic also offers an enriched perspective through study abroad, international internships, and other global and cultural activities. FACULTY-TO-STUDENT MENTORSHIP College students are more successful when they have someone who takes a special interest in their aspirations and progress. Our students have the unique opportunity to have a faculty member assigned as their mentor, steering them toward success by providing professional guidance and support throughout the school year.
- West Lafayette
Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, , West Lafayette