MSc in Risk Management
UK Online, United Kingdom
12 up to 18 Months
Full time
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GBP 7,950 / per course *
Distance Learning
* The fee is payable in monthly or quarterly or half yearly installments
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All businesses make decisions – and typically, decisions have risks.
The effective management and governance of these risks can drive the success of a business, especially in the face of challenges such as health pandemics, climate-related events, and the intense scrutiny of a company’s reputation.
The objective of the Msc Risk Management is to provide learners with the skills and understanding in risk management that align with good strategic decision making to maintain organisations’ competitive advantage. The programme provides an in-depth understanding of risk and their application in practice both for financial and non-financial organisations. Learners will learn both theoretical and practical understanding of risk including risk measurement and modelling.
Key facts
- Fully recognized and globally accepted Degree.
- Our Course is most relevant and designed as per the needs and requirements of today businesses world over.
- With the advantage of studying on the job, anytime and anywhere, you get cost advantage and same degree which is given to full time students at the university campus.
- Easy and affordable payment plans
Why choose this LSPM?
- Your qualification is recognized and accepted world over.
- Our curriculum helps you to develop critical thinking, exceptional management knowledge and cultural awareness.
- Experience online-time study like never before with our purpose built smart learning tools which gives you advantage of studying anytime and anywhere.
- Be part of an elite cohort of talented business students, and develop a valuable and influential global network using LSPM online community.
MSc Strategic Marketing consists of 6 mandatory units & disseration work for a combined total of 180 credits.
Mandatory Units
Stage 1 (Level 7 Diploma stage - 120 credits)
- Principles of Risk Management (20 credits)
- Strategic Risk Management (20 credits)
- Responsible Leadership and Governance (20 credits)
- Organisational and Environmental Risk (20 credits)
- Risk Analysis and Modelling (20 credits)
- Advanced Research Methods (20 credits)
[Successful completion of Stage 1 leads to progression to Stage 2]
Stage 2 (University stage - 60 credits)
- Dissertation Project
[Successful completion of Stage 2 leads to award of Degree by the university]
Assessment and verification
All units within this qualification are internally assessed and externally verified by the awarding body. The qualifications are criterion referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.
To achieve a ‘pass’ for a unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria.