M.S. in Aviation Management Logistics
Kent, USA
2 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline *
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USD 42,025 / per year **
Distance Learning
* rolling application
** for international students
The Master of Science degree in Aviation Management and Logistics prepares graduates to perform at an advanced level in organizations that move people and/or goods via air transport.
Students in the program examine the business of aviation logistics and its role in the global supply chain. In addition, they learn the techniques necessary to understand and develop an aviation logistics model for producing an accurate and effective forecast for the demand for aviation services.
Students are given practical experience in the negotiating, vetting, and managing of vendor and labor contracts. They also learn the economic, regulatory, political, geographical, and human-centric challenges facing the industry today, including profit strategies, human-error interventions tactics, and post-9/11 security legislation concerning air cargo operations.
Safety policy, risk management, assurance, and safety promotion are the key focus areas, and students take an in-depth study of the concepts, principals, design, implementation, and administration of aviation safety management systems. As weather events are so disruptive to an aviation organization, students gain an understanding of hazardous weather and the products to predict weather impact on aviation operations.
Fully offered:
100% Online
Program Requirements
Major Requirements
- AERN 65091 Seminar in Emerging Issues in Aviation Logistics
- AERN 65100 Logistical Strategies in Aviation Management
- AERN 65150 Legal and Regulatory Issues for Air Cargo Management
- AERN 65200 Aviation Economics and Fiscal Management
- AERN 65230 Modeling and Forecasting for Aviation Logistics Planning
- MIS 64005 Analytics for Decision Making
- MIS 64041 Operations, Service and Supply Chain Management
- MIS 64042 Globalization and Technology Strategy
- TECH 60001 Quantitative Methods in Technology
- TECH 60003 Six-Sigma: Tools and Applications for Technology Management
- TECH 60078 Research Methods in Technology
Major Electives, choose from the following:1
- AERN 65092 Practicum in Aeronautics2
- AERN 65201 Aviation Industry Contract Management
- AERN 65235 Human Error Analysis in Aviation
- AERN 65240 Aviation Safety Management Systems
- AERN 65300 Airline Transportation Operations
- AERN 65301 Air Cargo Security
- AERN 65400 Weather for Aviation Logistics Planning1
- AERN 65496 Individual Investigation in Aeronautics2
- AERN 65499 Capstone in Aeronautics
- MIS 64158 Leadership and Managerial Assessment or
- MIS 64271 Human Resource Management or
- MKTG 65051 Marketing Management
Culminating Requirement, choose from the following:3
- AERN 65199 Thesis I4
- AERN 65499 Capstone in Aeronautics4
1Students with no previous aviation weather experience are required to take AERN 65400 as an elective. Minimum credit hours for electives depend on meeting a total of 33 credit hours for the degree.
2Maximum 6 credit hours of AERN 65092 and AERN 65496, combined, may be applied toward the degree.
3For the culminating requirement, students select either the thesis or capstone. Students selecting the thesis may be planning to advance to a doctorate or are interested specifically in research. The capstone consists of a scholarly paper or project that integrates knowledge attained through coursework and research experience. Students may undertake original empirical research, case studies, reports or research results, theoretical or applied designs of logistical systems. The capstone may include improvements on existing systems or completion of a project from an identified client. Students are engaged in workplace or internship applications of the capstone or empirical analysis of an aviation management and logistics system.
4Students selecting the thesis option must continually register for AERN 65199 for a maximum of 6 credit hours toward the degree (students may need to register for AERN 65299 to complete the thesis requirement; however, those credit hours do not, whatsoever, count toward the degree). Students selecting the capstone may repeat the course for a maximum of 6 credit hours toward the degree.
Features Of The Degree
- 100 percent online, with no GRE requirement, international students only basic IELTS score.
- Kent State is a veteran-friendly school.
- Non-thesis and thesis options (for those who may want to teach or get a Ph.D.).
- A significant list of available electives (not all may be available each semester).
- Can be taken in three semesters (fall, spring, summer) but can be taken over more semesters.
- Most classes are only 8 weeks in length.
- Blend of aeronautics requirements, management, technology, and traditional inquiry courses.
- Eleven new courses in exciting areas of instruction.
- Includes management information systems and marketing coursework.
- Interactive instruction through Blackboard Collaborate – not just your typical read and click self-learning.
- The Practicum course or Individual Investigation Course can make use of projects you are currently performing in your workplace – or allow you to create one.
- You will have a faculty advisor from Kent State and not staff from a corporation.
Program Outcome
Graduates of this program will be able to:
- design, build, analyze and manage logistical systems at aviation organizations engaged in the transport of people and goods via air transport.
- perform management functions at an executive level overseeing the processes of an aviation organization.
- model and forecast logistical strategies for domestic and international aviation operations.
- analyze and manage safety systems, human error analysis, and decision-making.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!