Master of Business Administration
2 up to 5 Years
Part time
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Distance Learning
Educational aims of the programme
- Apply a scholarly approach and up-to-date business knowledge to operate as a versatile, confident, and effective leader in a complex, dynamic working environment.
- Critically appraise complex problems and situations across functional boundaries in order to develop holistic, integrated strategic responses to organisational and management issues.
- Prosper as a critical independent learner able to apply and practice principles of reflection and continuous development to positively impact individual and collective performance within the organisation.
- Synthesise new learning with existing experience to make a positive impact on the current context from the start of the MBA programme.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of current and pervasive issues in business and management to enrich own professional practice, enhance career development prospects and facilitate personal and professional development.
- Identify, analyse and capitalise on opportunities for transformation and venture creation within the organisation
- Understand, critically appraise and conduct research providing analysis and synthesising data and information to make sound judgements and recommendations.
- Engage in responsible leadership practices, appreciate diversity and behave with integrity.
Scholarships and Funding
The Unicaf Scholarship Programme was founded to offer gifted, underprivileged students the opportunity to further their education, by earning internationally recognised qualifications, at low cost, through online study.
If you are interested in a Unicaf Scholarship you can easily submit your application online. Each scholarship application is examined and decided upon, depending on the qualifications and the financial situation of the applicant. Eligible students are awarded a percentage of scholarships.
Join thousands of students from around the globe who have earned their degrees with the help of the Unicaf Scholarship Programme.
Programme Pathway
Foundation Courses
- Induction Module
Postgraduate Certificate Level
- Leadership and Scholarly Business Practice
- Exploring Strategy for Organisations
Postgraduate Diploma Level
- Operationalising the Strategy
- Transforming Organisations and Business Research
Postgraduate Award Level
- Consultancy Business Project
Program Outcome
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes. A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
- Apply knowledge and understanding to complex issues, both systematically and creatively, so the theory is utilised and applied to practice from a critical and informed perspective, thus enhancing organisational effectiveness and competitiveness.
- Synthesise and utilise knowledge of the different functional areas of business, academic literature, theory and understanding of organisation context, both strategically and operationally, to make integrative links to deliver business impact.
- Apply systemic thinking principles to aid strategic thinking and planning, connecting ideas and practices to solve complex problems and enhance decision making across functional boundaries.
- Critically appraise the global, macro-economic and political environment to evaluate appropriate strategic directions, choices, options across different functional areas
- Have a basic understanding of financial management principles with the ability to interpret and critically appraise organisation financial information and utilise it for strategy formation.
- Critically evaluate and apply knowledge of financial management to appraise and manage organisational risk and support organisational governance and decision making.
- Apply critical insights from business practice and academic theories and frameworks including trends, challenges and enablers to translating strategy into operational practice.
- Critically evaluate and utilise appropriate methods and tools to deliver strategic aims or goals as practical deliverable outcomes for organisational growth and impact.
- Utilise awareness of theories and best practices to develop leadership strategies that create optimal conditions for innovation including the confidence to manage transformation processes, take calculated risks, manage uncertainty, and learn from failure.
- Critically appraise, leverage and exploit digital technologies, data and disruptive practices to support organisational transformation ensuring sustainability and competitiveness.
- Exploit opportunities for networking to facilitate horizon scanning to identify and analyse business opportunities for new venture creation
- Critically evaluate and utilise theories in approaches to practitioner research within the organisation to enable new insights and opportunities to solve complex problems and facilitate change.
- Progress leadership and management thinking by negotiating and gaining stakeholder engagement in order to undertake a significant research project which utilises academic research philosophies and strategies to challenge established practices and facilitate organisational growth.
- Use relevant research methods to critically appraise an issue, optimise the synthesis of complex data, both systematically and innovatively, to develop practical solutions and evaluate outcomes.
- Identify appropriate leadership style(s) for different situations, apply engagement and motivation strategies to manage people, activities and operations and engage effectively with stakeholders
- Synthesise new learning with existing experience to improve professional practices by increasing self-awareness through ongoing critical reflection taking responsibility for continuing to develop knowledge, skills and emotional intelligence.
- Engage in responsible leadership practices and behave with integrity. This includes an appreciation of diversity, an openness to utilising the strengths and contributions of all colleagues, a recognition of the importance of active listening, seeking feedback and the humility to learn from others.
- Develop confidence and expertise to articulate opinions, synthesising and clarifying complex ideas and arguments in both oral and written communication, enhancing the ability to persuade and influence all stakeholders to create business impact.
- Make a professional and informed contribution to the development of practice in an organisation by engaging as a scholarly practitioner; questioning established practice, critiquing and interrogating academic literature and making judgements about relevance and applicability to context.
- Investigate an issue of strategic importance through in-depth research and application of appropriate methodology to provide insight/contribution to business/organisational practice
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.