MBA in International Consulting
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
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EUR 3,590 / per year *
Distance Learning
* per year
Consultants have become commonplace within MNCs over the past few decades. Rather than hiring “generic” trainers to help fulfill their objectives, companies have determined that freelance specialists are able to provide more targeted, customized, and state-of-the-art training activities for their employees in a variety of areas, including human resource development, technology, cultural relations, communication skills, management development, and other key areas. This program provides a pragmatic preparation for students wishing to hone their consulting skills to compete in a global consulting environment that requires their talents.
The structure of a typical course will require students to read materials supplied by the university, study related materials, and perform personal research on selected topics. Confirmation of learning may be determined via papers, projects, quizzes or exams.
Year 1 :
- MBA540: Leading the contemporary Global Organizations. This course provides an introduction to essential management concepts typically related to the contemporary global environment. Students are introduced to the interface of business and culture, including topics in diversity, change management, corporate citizenship, and interpersonal communication practices with business stakeholders, team dynamics, and globalization processes.
- MBA541: Business Analytics. This course equips the student to conduct business research using a variety of quantitative and qualitative measures. Topics include sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression analysis, data mining, cluster analysis, time series research, reliability and validity, case studies, business statistic software, and writing research reports.
- MBA542: Diversity and Inclusion: This course explores the foundations of Diversity and Inclusion as part of the contemporary workplace context. Theories, research, and application of Diversity and Inclusion are addressed from a variety of institutional perspectives germane to today’s global environment.
- MBA550: Branding and Reputation. This course covers the topics of branding one’s repertoire of consulting/training skills and developing an ethical, credible, and competent reputation within the international consulting community. Emphasis is placed on self-developing and skills marketing for a wide range of consulting talents.
- MBA551: Consulting Practices. This course is a pragmatic approach to developing and delivering a wide variety of consulting techniques in areas such as human resources development, technology training, team development, goal-setting, motivation, interpersonal relations, and other popular topics often requested by management.
Year 2 :
- MBA552: Customer Design Thinking. This course delves into the process of client familiarization and understanding the needs, desires, and expectations of clients. Emphasis is placed on consultant-client communication processes, both explicit and implicit, and strategies for achieving a meaningful, effective rapport leading to shared objectives.
- MBA553: Case Studies. This course presents a series of case studies of real and hypothetical consulting situations, showcasing different issues, problems, processes, and solutions that have been successful in consulting practices. Students will be asked to “simulate” their reactions to various scenarios to solve consulting problems.
- CCC506: Cross-Cultural Communication. This course examines the fundamental constructs which constitute cultures’ disparate communication styles and norms. The research of notable culturalists such as Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars form the basis for understanding, and adapting to, the plethora of culture-based behaviors found in the contemporary global workplace.
- MBA 569: Thesis.
Program Outcome
After completing this program, the student should be able to:
- Identify key areas requiring consultant services, while recognizing their own qualifications to fill those needs.
- Create consulting materials suited for various management-related consulting projects, particularly in the areas of human resource development, communication, and management.
- Develop skills in interacting with all levels of MNC management and workforce, external stakeholders, and customers involved in the company’s range of influence.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.