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Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) Master in Renewable Energy
Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)

Master in Renewable Energy

1 up to 2 Years

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Distance Learning


Throughout history, social groups have selected their energy systems based on two groups of variables: technical availability and economic viability.

Only recently has a new variable been contemplated that may involve acceptance, or the rejection of an entire energy system based on the environmental impacts that its use could cause: the environmental factor.

Thus, in the immediate future, this factor should be seen as a crucial element with the capacity to influence the configuration of the possible alternative energy systems of a country. This aspect will be particularly important when evaluating and comparing the different resources and energy sources for a more sustainable world.

There is no global solution in the short and medium term for the problem of declining resources and pollution of the environment, but the future goes through energy diversification, and that is where renewables can complement traditional forms of energy without replace them

The Master in Renewable Energies presented here contemplates a central part, which constitutes the core of the program, and where the particularities of clean forms of energy are detailed in the context of the current energy framework and potential future scenarios, with added value With respect to other programs of this type: on the one hand, it incorporates a part referring to environmental management tools, essential to know how to carry out impact studies and incorporate renewable and energy efficiency technologies into the company's global management system; and, on the other hand, it incorporates a part dedicated to the phenomenon of climate change and its relationship with renewable energies, as regards the vulnerability and mitigation part.

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Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
