Course in Social Communication
Popayán, Colombia
8 Semesters
Full time, Part time
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COP 1,280,920 *
Distance Learning
* Registration fee: $74,449. Homologation study: $90,774
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Title: Social Communicator
Modality: 100% Virtual
Duration: 8 semesters
SNIES Code: 106233
Qualified Registry: Resolution 07548 of April 12, 2017 - Valid for 7 years
The Social Communication Program in virtual mode offered by the FUP seeks to contribute to the development of the region and the country by training integral professionals, with a high sense of ethics and social responsibility, committed to their time and territory, with a solid training Theoretical and methodological to contribute from their discipline to the dialogue between different social actors and the peaceful and dialogic solution of conflicts, professionals capable of analyzing, interpreting and understanding various social, political and cultural processes, acting as a mediator in participatory processes of innovation, development and social change, and creatively integrate into digital communication environments through content generation and management.
Occupational profile
The graduate of the Social Communication program in virtual mode of the FUP, may perform in various organizations of the public, private or third sector, being responsible for the generation and management of content for different media, strategic decision making or mediate in development processes and social change.
It is able to perform as:
- Media and audience analyst.
- Communication advisor and consultant for various organizations.
- Communication Director of public entities.
- Communication Director of private companies.
- Director, editor or editor of information processes in print, radio, television and online media, both commercial and alternative.
- Manager of their own communication ventures.
- Director of communication products for various media, in different formats, with the capacity to assume leadership roles, technical conceptualization and creative composition.
The Social Communication program will be offered in the city of Popayán, with a duration of eight (8) semesters with a periodic semester admission, its modality is virtual and is distributed in academic credits.
The adoption of a virtual modality requires the student not only the responsibility to devote time to the proposed activities through the LMS platform, with his active presence during all the estimated hours, but also the commitment in fulfilling the load to be developed. in a personal way during the hours of independent work, in order to be able to achieve the integral formation of a professional in Social Communication, only to the extent that the student commits himself seriously in his personal work, can he successfully develop the activities proposed in each One of the programmed subjects.
The curriculum of the Social Communication program in its virtual modality has been structured based on the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education and its contents have been developed to form a social communicator that responds to the needs and demands of the region, the country and the contemporary world.
The specific contents to be developed in each subject of the Social Communication program in its virtual modality correspond to the theoretical and methodological developments of the specific area in which the subject is registered and its application to local, regional and national contexts.
Each of the subjects incorporated into the curriculum contribute to the development of specific skills and abilities in students and to the formation of communicator profiles for social change and the digital environment proposed by this curriculum.