Fundación Universitaria Popayán - Univida
Virtual and Distance Academic Unit - UNIVIDA
100% virtual quality higher education

Contribute to the integral formation of people through means based on the use and development of Information and Communication Technologies, which compromise their efforts in the sustainable development of the region and the country; on the basis of professional suitability and pedagogical strategies that guarantee it. Project in institutional actions that strengthen the educational processes of the region and the country.
The UNIVIDA Virtual and Distance Academic Unit of the University Foundation of Popayán, should be an area recognized for its performance in the fields of virtual and distance education, and social projection, generating programs according to regional, national and international needs. For this, the development of the processes must be based on a framework of international quality standards, which respond to the educational needs established by the Ministry of National Education and the certification bodies.
Quality politics
The UNIVIDA Virtual and Distance Academic Unit, committed to the integral formation of people through the use of ICT and relying on a suitable human talent, seeks the satisfaction of its customers through the implementation of an effective process, subject to continuous improvement, which Conforms to legal regulations and international quality standards.
The FUP and UNIVIDA, fulfilling the objective of offering high quality educational services according to international standards, received the ISO 9001: 2008 Certification granted by the international organization Bureau Veritas, on March 15, 2016.
In this way, our commitment to the academic community is reaffirmed, offering professionalization processes from virtuality that meet the highest quality characteristics, at a single click.
Quality objectives
- Maintain the ISO 9001: 2008 quality certificate granted by Bureau Veritas.
- Develop an effective virtual course creation process adjusted to the legal norms.
- Apply continuous improvement to the process of creating virtual courses and other processes that contribute to fulfilling the mission of UNIVIDA.

What is virtual education?
“Virtual education, also called“ online education ”, refers to the development of training programs that have cyberspace as a teaching and learning scenario. (...) From this perspective, virtual education is an action that seeks to promote training spaces, relying on ICT to establish a new way of teaching and learning. ” (MEN- 2009).
In this sense, virtual education refers to a process that does not require the presence of the student at the same time and in the same space to be part of a learning experience, through a comprehensive pedagogical strategy.
How is the methodology of study in virtual mode?
The methodology implemented by UNIVIDA is E-learning, better known as Virtual Education. In this model the role of the teacher changes, he is a moderator, coordinator, facilitator, mediator and one more participant. The student is the protagonist of the process of knowledge construction, because it does not respond to the transmission of content, but to the collaborative development of the proposed topics generating significant knowledge. The flexibility of time is managed and does not require being present in a traditional classroom, but through a learning platform, in this case, Moodle.
How much time should I devote to a virtual program?
In virtuality one hour should be devoted to each subject. Two courses (subjects) are developed over five weeks, for a total of six subjects in 15 weeks, which is the duration of one semester.
Each student is responsible for their time, so the courses will be available by the time the student wishes to enroll them.
How do the works and workshops take place?
Collaborative works exist, but within an independent work philosophy in which you can carry out your activities autonomously, since students may not always coincide on schedule. However, exercises such as wikis (collaboratively built websites) and forums, where students contribute to a topic asynchronously, that is, at different times.
How is the evaluation process?
There are many evaluation activities, including: workshops, exams, home practices, agreements with testing laboratories, homework, jobs, etc. Chat attendance, participation in forums and access to the platform also add to the student's grade.
The virtual tutor will evaluate the weekly works and a final evaluation, constituted by a set of academic activities.

UNIVIDA research is one of the main areas of interest and development. Not only because it is an Academic Unit, but because we firmly believe that the development of skills and the conformation of a research attitude will provide great resources to future professionals who form with us.
We conceive this activity from 2 lines of work:
- Formative research: which is developed within virtual programs, as well as through research seedbeds in which students and teachers can develop research skills and abilities through various complementary activities (workshops, play, seminars, etc.).
- The research itself: implementation of different Research, Development and Innovation (IDI) projects, focused on ICT-mediated education. It includes the development of software and creation of educational resources, as well as the constant reflection on our pedagogical work.