MBA in Energy and Renewable Energy
12 up to 18 Months
Full time, Part time
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USD 6,650 *
Distance Learning
* Total tuition: Initial Admission Fee + (40 x USD145) = USD 6,650
Offered as a Joint Initiative with IOSD (the International Organization for Sustainable Development), this specialized and affordable MBA is a coached Oxford-style program that sets the bar in terms of core knowledge, thematic scope, and depth, as well as global applicability. It should be noted that EUCLID also offers a non-MBA MSc in Energy and Renewable Energy Studies. This program's MBA core is the same as the MBA/SD which is ranked #1 by BestCollegeReviews. The EUCLID MBA is a highly specialized and practical graduate program that was primarily designed for active civil servants and governmental officials. It is not “US” or “EU” or “UK” or “China” centric but rather reflect a truly global and intergovernmental vision. It is also very suitable for general public students seeking to acquire both a solid MBA core as well as expertise in the energy field in order to achieve executive careers.
This MBA program prepares future managers and executives who intend to develop their careers in the global energy industry, both on the private and governmental side of this critical economic factor. The curriculum was primarily designed to train government staff needing a comprehensive overview of this vast field, but it is also suitable to prepare students and working professionals for careers with governmental bodies, international organizations, and multinational corporations. Thanks to its low tuition and institutional relationships, it is of special interest to citizens and residents of EUCLID and ECOWAS Participating States. The EUCLID MBA/Energy program is also unique in the sense that it is the only Master’s Degree program dealing with Energy Studies actually offered by an intergovernmental organization, thus allowing direct interaction with practitioners as well as opening rare internship opportunities at diplomatic missions and events.
Credit values are expressed both in terms of USCH (US credit hour) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Typically, 14 hours of classroom instruction over the course of 1 semester represents 1 USCH or 1.5 ECTS (plus self-study time), which is converted to the equivalent amount of study in the context of a distance program. The total credit value for the completed EUCLID MBA-Energy program, according to international standards, is 36 USCH / 60 ECTS.
EUCLID has ongoing enrollment (intake) for this program. It is acceptable to apply several months in advance but it is recommended to apply 60-40 days in advance. General public slots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Core courses:
- ACA-401 (International Academic Writing)
- TPH-499 (Argumentation and Critical Thinking)
- MBA-MGMT (MBA Management Core Module)
- MBA-ECO (MBA Economics Core Module))
- DIP-606 (MBA Thesis or Project)
Electives (partial list):
- NRJ-SIT (Global Energy Issues)
- NRJ-REN (Renewable Energy Module)
- NRJ-ALT (Wind and Alternative Energy)
- NRJ-BIO (Biofuels and Biomass)
- NRJ-PETRO (Oil and Petrochemical Module)
Career Opportunities
Academic approach It is fair to say that EUCLID’s programs are better described as ‘distance’ rather than ‘online’ study programs. This means that students do not have to connect at a particular day and time to participate in bulletin board discussions as is often the case with ‘online’ programs. Rather, our programs emphasize the ability to absorb a vast amount of material on a personal basis, which makes them suitable for fast readers who on their own have a record of intense book reading and passionate interest in their field of study. EUCLID evaluates the applicant’s interpersonal and teamwork skills—which are essential for personal and professional success—on the basis of prior experience confirmed by means of an extensive personal interview. Because EUCLID was established to serve active diplomats and senior civil servants, it is expected that these professional skills will have been acquired and demonstrated in the course of the applicant’s career. In some cases, EUCLID may propose specific courses (which may not even be listed as electives) in order to bring inter-personal skills (including public speaking) to the executive level. Language Requirements All students must be fluent in English and should be conversant in French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese or another major world language. Outcome Upon completion of the program, every student is expected to have become a subject-matter expert in a relevant area of energy policy or technology (including renewable energies). This online-delivered program aims at “preparing expert leaders for international civil service and global careers.” Careers include:
- energy management in private businesses and NGOs
- energy marketing
- energy investments
- global energy consulting
- academia.
English Language Requirements
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