EU Business School
We offer English-taught foundation, bachelor’s, master’s, and MBA programs in subjects that foster entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership and are highly sought-after by businesses. These include business administration, communication & public relations, international business, digital business, sports management, marketing, finance, and enterprise, among others.
At EU Business School, we immerse students in a real-world business environment, bringing business to life through guest speaker sessions, company visits, field trips, case studies, business simulations, and internships, among others. Prestigious guest speaker events with renowned international leaders and frequent company visits to organizations like BMW, the United Nations agencies, Siemens, and UEFA allow EU students to gain first-hand experience of the inner workings of global business giants.
Earn State-Accredited and State-Recognized Degrees on EU Campuses
Through our accrediting academic partners, the University of Derby and the London Metropolitan University in the U.K., students earn state-accredited U.K. university degrees. They also have the opportunity to earn university degrees from Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain, (título propio).
Study With our Partners Worldwide
With our global network, we encourage students to participate in exchange programs, both within Europe and with our partner institutions around the world. EU partners include Pace University in New York; the University of California in Riverside; Fisher College in Boston in the U.S.A.; Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Monterrey, Mexico; and Stamford International University in Bangkok, Thailand, among others. Our partnerships offer students the chance to earn additional qualifications and study in diverse and enriching environments.