Esami Business School
The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) is an intergovernmental regional management development centre. ESAMI's head office is located in Arusha, Tanzania.
About us
The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) is an intergovernmental regional management development centre. ESAMI's head office is located in Arusha, Tanzania.
The institute was established with the primary objective of providing the region with trained personnel in a number of critical areas including policy management, transportation management, financial management, information technology management, health management, human resources management, project management, energy and environment management and gender management among others.
The focus was to train middle to senior managers from the region to improve their managerial performance taking into consideration the global issues but with a regional focus relevant to the African environment.
ESAMI's Mandate, Mission, Vision and Philosophy
The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) is a Pan African Regional Management Development Centre owned by ten member governments from the Eastern and Southern African region. These are Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It is a service and market-oriented institution offering high-level specialised management training, consultancy, education programmes and action-oriented management research services. Other countries which regularly participate in ESAMI management development programmes include Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Angola, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Ghana, The Gambia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso.
In May 1997 the UN Economic Commission for Africa officially designated ESAMI as The African Centre of Excellence in Management Development. This recognition has necessitated ESAMI to extend its services to all countries in Africa. To meet Africa's management challenge in the new millennium ESAMI continues to provide high quality, client centred management development interventions throughout Africa.
ESAMI's mandate is to improve the performance and management effectiveness of public, private, and international organizations in Africa. This will be done through:
- Management training and education;
- Management consultancy and advisory services;
- Management research, knowledge generation and publications;
- Promotion of best practices in management.
By 2020, ESAMI is an internationally recognized leadership and business transformation hub
Our mission is to transform institutions through leadership development, innovative education, management training, new knowledge generation and advisory services.
Our universe of clients will be individuals, public, private and international organizations.
ESAMI: Past and Present
Since its establishment in 1980, ESAMI has made significant contributions in the area of human resources and management development in the region. Its role as a premier Regional Management Development Institute has expanded substantially as a result of increased client demand by countries of the region and beyond. To date over 75, 000 middle and top-level personnel in the government, public, private and civic organisations have attended open management development programmes offered by the Institute.
ESAMI's Strategic Thrust
ESAMI programmes are based on the emerging needs of the client throughout the continent. The Institute has continued to make sure that programmes benefit from research carried out in the form of needs assessment and participants' feedback. Programme appraisal, tracer studies and impact assessment will form an important part of ESAMI's training and capacity building process. The training programmes presented in this prospectus will have a strong link between management and performance improvement at the individual and organizational level.
Tailor-made programmes will be undertaken to address clients' specific problems and issues. These are normally conducted on request and at venues and dates convenient to the client.
ESAMI launched an Executive MBA Programme which has proved to be quite successful. To date, the Business School enrolment stands at 3600 students spread in ten campuses in Africa.
ESAMI has also introduced Certificate, Diploma and Bachelors' degree programmes in Business management.
ESAMI's Capability and Comparative Advantages
As a management development centre, ESAMI has been a converging centre where people from different countries meet to share and exchange experiences in a regional framework. The Institute aims at enhancing this interaction in order to facilitate improvements in managerial performance and effectiveness of client organizations. As one of the largest regional Institutions in Africa and a premier in management development ESAMI's capability is largely ingrained in the following qualities:
- Its core of different, indigenous, high level trained and experienced professional staff who understand the countries they are working with well
- A successful institution, managed by African professionals who know the African environment and are committed to its service.
- ESAMI's broad and flexible mandate guided by a dynamic Board of Governors
- ESAMI's degree of financial self-sufficiency from training and consultancy revenues, which does not depend on subsidies to survive
- A staff with a willingness and commitment to effective improvement and innovations.
- The capability of ESAMI to rapidly deploy its professional staff who are supplemented by a network of field offices close to its clients
- A wealth of experience gained over the years from interactions with a clientele of varied backgrounds and countries
- A network of institutional and individual contacts
- Flexibility and readiness to adjust in accordance with the changing environment and expectations
- Regional flavour and character to match the Institute's activities and respond quickly to specific requirements, concerns and priorities.
- Arusha
Headquarters P. O. BOX 3030, Arusha, Tanzânia, , Arusha
- Nairobi
ESAMI KENYA 4th Floor International House P. O. Box 566628 – 00200, , Nairobi
- Dar es Salaam
ESAMI DAR ES SALAAM 3rd Floor, NIC Investment House P.O. Box 22290, , Dar es Salaam
- Lusaka
ESAMI - ZAMBIA 2ND Floor, Superannuation House Ben Bella Road P.O. Box 32132, , Lusaka
- Kampala
ESAMI – UGANDA ESAMI Centre, Plot 52 Bombo Road P.O. Box 824, , Kampala
- Windhoek
ESAMI – NAMIBIA Cnr Nelson Mandela/Sam Nujoma HIDAS Centre P.O. Box 1836,, 9000, Windhoek
- Mbabane
ESAMI – eSWATINI 3RD Floor, Lilunga House Somhlolo Rd P.O. Box 4234, , Mbabane
- Harare
ESAMI – ZIMBABWE 6 Bantry Road, Alexandra Park P.O. Box 2627, , Harare
- Maputo
ESAMI MOZAMBIQUE No. 657 Floor No. 1 Avenida Julius Nyerere P.O. Box 2077, , Maputo
- Lilongwe
ESAMI MALAWI 1st Floor, Development House, City Centre P.O. Box 31127 Lilongwe 3, , Lilongwe