BTS SME Management
France Online, France
2 Years
Full time, Part time
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EUR 3,501 / per year *
Distance Learning
* payment in 2 installments (-10%)
The objectives of GPME training
The BTS in SME Management allows you to become a management assistant in direct collaboration with the manager of a small or medium-sized business. The mission of the management assistant is characterized by strong versatility with an administrative focus. It is broken down into various activities which are proposed by the company manager: management, administration, accounting, etc. The management assistant is the internal and external interface of the company manager.
Skills developed
The distance learning BTS AG / BTS GPME covers a wide range of skills that you will master at the end of your training. In particular, you will be trained to:
- Customer relationship management
- Managing the relationship with suppliers
- Human Resources management and development
- Organization and planning of activities
- Resource management
- Risk management
- Global communication
ENACO offers you the opportunity to prepare your BTS GPME in two years. The BTS Management of SMEs at a distance offered by ENACO is a national higher education diploma at Bac +2 level which awards 120 ECTS credits as well as an RNCP level 5 title. Our program is therefore subject to the control of Education . . Nationale and our educational materials strictly respect the official standards. The BTS GPME is open to holders of the Baccalaureate or equivalent. At the end of your BTS Management of SMEs remotely, you will be able to continue your education within ENACO with a Bachelor Assistant Human Resources or Bachelor Management.
The training program
The BTS Remote Management of SMEs offers general courses (common to all tertiary BTS) and professional courses specific to the BTS GPME.
General Education
- General culture and expression
- Modern Language 1 (English, Spanish or Italian)
- General right
- General economy
Vocational education
- Relationship management with customers and suppliers
- General compatibility
- Global communication
- Workshops on professionalization and applied economic, legal and managerial culture
- Risk management
- IT risk management
- HR management and development
Your distance learning BTS SME Management course includes an internship period of 12 weeks including 6 consecutive weeks in the first year and 6 weeks including 4 consecutive weeks mandatory in the second year. Thanks to this internship period, you will be fully immersed within a company and will be able to put your theoretical knowledge into practice. The stages must take place within an SME or a structure with similar functioning (agencies, subsidiaries).
Concerning employee candidates exercising their profession in the field of management in SME/SMI, the internship is not compulsory. You will need to provide one or more work certificates attesting that you are employed in activities related to management in SMEs/SMIs, as presented in the framework.
You have the possibility of continuing your work-study training via an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
Professional opportunities
After solid training at ENACO , the BTS in SME Management opens the doors to many professions. Find below the non-exhaustive list of positions to which you can apply thanks to your diploma:
- Commercial assistant
- Management assistant in SME
- Deputy director
- Accounting assistant
- Executive assistant
- Accounting assistant
- Executive secretary
- Administrative assistant
Training costs
Payment in 2 installments (-10%) | Payment in 6 installments (-5%) | Payment in 12 installments and more |
€956 + €2233 = €3189 € 3543 No exam fees | €1009 + (5 x €471.2) = €3365 € 3543 No exam fees | € 3,543 No exam fees |
Lüna R.
"I am currently a student at ENACO and I am very proud of this school, it teaches me a lot of things and the teachers are available if we need so it is very important, we are followed, we know that we are not alone and if we need help we make an appointment. Thank you very much for this school."
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.