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Driestar Christian University for Teacher Education Master in Learning and Innovation - Christian Education
Driestar Christian University for Teacher Education

Master in Learning and Innovation - Christian Education

Gouda, Netherlands

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Full time

Request application deadline

Sep 2024

EUR 1,975 / per year *


* per module, single module. € 1.910,- per year EU students, tuition fee regardless of number of modules. €7.900,- per year institutional tuition fee.


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In 2018 we will offer an international Master’s course in Christian Education which will fully focus on the backgrounds and practices of education inspired and informed by the Christian faith.

We perceive a need for knowledge about Christian education worldwide and about how it can be improved. The curriculum of the Master will be developed taking into account the cultural differences of the participants.

  • Degree: Master of Learning and Innovation
  • Stream: Christian Education (international context)
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: Each module consists four months of online distance learning and two weeks of lectures.
  • Course type: Blended learning. Each module consists of 10 weeks of online learning followed by two weeks of lectures in the Netherlands.
  • Language of instruction: English.

The aim of the Master is to deepen knowledge and skills for experienced teachers who could become teacher leaders, for principals and school leaders in Christian schools and for people wor­king in educational aid organisations. We also invite those who are preparing for a PhD in Christian Education.

Course and Modules

Three strands

The modules are structured within three strands:

  • Strand 1 involves philosophical sources for Christian education which refer to historical leaders and educators.
  • Strand 2 is about carrying out research. You will learn how to research within your own context.
  • Strand 3 is a tutorship aimed at personal development. During your Master study, you have to integrate the knowledge into your own thinking and make it useful in practice.

Professional profile

The objective of this Master is becoming a Teacher leader. Teacher leaders are teachers with a vision of good quality education who develop and implement new practices. Teacher leaders work together with colleagues to introduce innovations and they can share their innovations with others. Teacher leaders innovate because they believe in doing good, justice and shalom.

  1. Teacher leaders are teachers with a vision of good quality education
    Teacher leaders are professional leaders with a mindset to learning in their own teaching/educational practice. They have a well-founded view on good quality education, based on knowledge of (cultural) historical and philosophical sources, academic literature, specialist literature and practice-oriented research in their own practice.
  2. Teacher leaders develop and implement new practices
    Teacher leaders develop new practices (innovations) that contribute to good education. They first do this on a small scale in their own teaching/educational practice and then by involving others in their innovations.
  3. Teacher leaders work together with colleagues to innovate
    Teacher leaders work together with colleagues to implement innovations and research these by means of practice-oriented research. Teacher leaders actively contribute to their organization’s policy. To do this, teacher leaders use innovation expertise.
  4. Teacher leaders can share their innovations
    Teacher leaders demonstrate and share their innovations and the practical knowledge they have gathered, systemized and, through research, critically reflected on for the use of others.


Courses will be taught by an international team of professors from around the world, including Professor David Smith (United States), Professor Trevor Cooling (United Kingdom) and Professor Bram de Muynck (the Netherlands).

Four modules

The Master’s content is defined by four major themes which are discussed from historical, phi­losophical-theological, social, concrete-practical and a teacher’s personal perspective. These themes come up in theoretical modules in the content strands and are connected to a tutoring strand and a research strand.

Each module consists of 10 weeks of online distance learning, followed by two weeks of lec­tures. These non-distance classes will be taught in Gouda, the Netherlands. During your three to four week stay in the Netherlands, you will be part of a learning community of students and professors and you will have the opportunity to visit schools and gain teaching practice in Dutch schools.

You can study flexibly by choosing how many modules you follow per year. You can follow all four modules in one year, or one, two or three modules per year.

  • Module 1: What is Christian education: a practical approach

  • Module 2: Religious and moral education

  • Module 3: Change, innovation and transformation

  • Module 4:Social justice, diversity and tolerance

Completing the Master in one year

From September 2019 you can complete the Master in the Netherlands in one year. You will follow modules 1 and 3 in the Fall semester of 2018 and modules 2 and 4 in Spring 2019.

Between the modules, additional support will be provided. In addition, you can have an opportunity to gain practical experience between the weeks of lectures. You will also need a lot of time for independent study.

About the School


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