MBA Masters of Business Administration
Cleveland, USA
12 up to 18 Months
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Sep 2024
EUR 20,000 / per year
Distance Learning
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MBA Masters of Business Administration
Chancellor University offers a Masters of Business Administration. These programs are designed to give the working professional the opportunity for a flexible, real-world education. Classes are small, interactive and entrepreneurial in nature. The required core of courses consists of upper-level courses that prepare students who are interested in professional development or career advancement in challenging and dynamic careers within the business field.
Program Pricing
- US based students = $765 per credit hour x 30 credit hour course = $22,950
- International students = 25% discount (in the form of a grant)
Core Masters in Business Administration
MBA 6110 Communications
This coursе introduces students to the critical role of effective communications in the business environment. The coursе provides students with useful information about how to understand your audience, create well-defined messages, and deliver them clearly and powerfully. Students will develop written and oral presentation assignments that provide practical tools to construct persuasive communications. The coursе will also examine various issues related to communication in business, with a particular focus on the importance of social media technology.
MBA 6510 Marketing Foundations
This coursе examines the marketplace and the marketing functions necessary to manage the relationship between suppliers and customers. Students will become familiar with such topics as the marketing mix, marketing strategy, and various psychological and sociological approaches to the marketing discipline. Further consideration will be given to social media marketing, consumer behavior, advertising, research, information technology, and international marketing.
MBA 6120 Leadership
This coursе employs a variety of experiential experiences, cases, and group presentations to give students the practical skills, tools, and information they need to be effective leaders of teams and individuals in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Students will learn from research, theory, and best practices about effective leadership styles and behaviors, problem-solving skills, inspiring individuals, developing teams, and managing cultural and social diversity in a global environment.
MBA 6330 Analytical Decision Making
This coursе acquaints students with useful, practical statistics that will enhance their capacity for critical thinking and assist them in making evidence-based decisions. Students will become familiar with a variety of descriptive statistics and modeling tools that will enable them to analyze business data and evaluate alternative business decisions.
MBA 6210 Strategy
This coursе explores various approaches to setting and implementing an organizational strategy designed to achieve long-term goals. Students will learn how to analyze the various stages of a strategic planning process, assess organizational effectiveness as well as environmental threats and opportunities, develop overall strategies, and implement both strategic and tactical objectives. The coursе also identifies the determinants and consequences of successful mergers and acquisitions, and of profitable strategies for organic growth.
MBA 6220 Managing People
This coursе provides students with useful information and practical tools for recruiting, assessing, motivating and retaining talented employees. The coursе will expose students to a variety of best management practices when people are working independently, are co-located, or are working in virtual teams. Students will also learn how to give effective performance feedback, and to make effective use of both financial and non-financial rewards.
MBA 6340 Accounting for Decision Makers
This coursе familiarizes students with essential accounting principles and concepts and teaches them how to use accounting information to make decisions. The coursе will cover such topics as the construction and use of financial statements; how to measure assets, liabilities, equities, and income; financial statement analysis, cost behavior and measurement; profitability analysis; relevant costs for special decisions; budgeting; and responsibility accounting. Consideration will be given to the role of information technology in developing and using accounting information.
MBA 6411 Leading Change
This coursе will provide students with practical, useful information about how to lead both small scale and large scale organizational change. In particular, students will learn how to create a shared need for change; how to transform their organization's mission or vision into actual behaviors; how to mobilize commitment; how to measure progress, and how to systematically analyze, and make changes if necessary, to their organizations systems and structures to better support the change. Many real-world examples will be offered, and students will have a number of opportunities to practice what they are learning.
MBA6310 Entrepreneurship
This coursе familiarizes students with the basic information they need to start and grow a successful business. Students will learn how to create a viable business plan that will gain stakeholder support for a successful launch.
Other topics include The nature of entrepreneurship, strategic positioning, how to do market research and analysis, legal requirements for developing a new business, and best practices for funding, marketing, and managing a new business.
MBA 6420 Financial Analysis and Economics
This coursе examines a number of basic financial and economic theories, techniques, and practices.
Topics include time value of money; valuation; capital asset pricing; risk and diversification; the cost of capital; capital budgeting techniques; and micro- and macroeconomics. Where applicable, the implications of course content for international finance and economic considerations will also be discussed.
MBA 6511 Managing Operations
This coursе focuses on the central role operations plays in a company's success and the analytic tools that are required for strong managerial decision-making. The coursе emphasizes the strategic advantages provided by the operations function to strong organizations. Students will be exposed to such topics as operations strategies, supply chains, process design and analysis, lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, and other approaches to managing quality.
MBA 6620 Capstone
The capstone is the culmination of the program and allows the student to fully integrate what they have learned. Students will apply their operational, strategy, financial and people management skills in an immersive business simulation. The coursе requires students to analyze and develop a successful response to a variety of business challenges that will require them to utilize all the concepts, principles and tools presented in previous courses.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!