Master in Design of Spaces and Gastronomic Environments
Online Spain
12 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2024
EUR 8,100 / per year
Distance Learning
The gastronomic sector has experienced a boom in the diversity and sophistication of restaurants and other food establishments. Gastronomic spaces have become crucial areas for creative expression, differentiation from the competition and customer experience.
The emergence of new gastronomic trends, the evolution of consumer habits and the growing importance given to customer experience have generated an urgent need to rethink and design gastronomic spaces and environments that go beyond mere functionality.
For these and other reasons, the need arises for a specialized approach in creating spaces that are not only visually attractive, but also functional and suitable to meet the changing demands of the restaurant industry.
Objectives of the Master in Design of Gastronomic Spaces and Environments
Provide students with the necessary skills to develop an interior design and gastronomic environment project from the conceptualization and execution phase to the planning of the construction of the work and the subsequent maintenance of the space.
- Develop the ability to conceive a solid conceptual philosophy that guides the entire design process of a gastronomic environment, reflecting the identity and vision of the business.
- Master the techniques to create concrete design concepts, creating visual and design proposals that communicate the vision of the gastronomic space.
- Refine and develop initial design concepts, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and collaborators, to generate more detailed and precise design solutions.
- Convert the developed designs into precise technical specifications, including plans, construction details and material specifications, ensuring that the project is viable from a technical perspective.
- Understand and apply facility management practices to ensure that the dining space remains operational in accordance with previously established quality and efficiency standards throughout the entire useful life of the space.
¿Por qué estudiar en Barcelona Culinary HUB?
- Reconocimiento Internacional y Profesional
- Especialidad entre cocina y management
- Barcelona, nuestro punto de encuentro
- Visión Global
- Red de contactos internacional
- Colaboración con empresas del sector
Bloque 1
Conceptual Philosophy
Conceptual Philosophy of a Culinary Project
The Block focuses on providing students with an understanding of the creative tools that are useful for defining the project strategy according to the gastronomic business model and spatial design. Concepts and methods such as Design Thinking, Open Innovation, Double Diamond, Spiral Innovation or Manual Thinking are worked on. The various sessions and activities associated with them work on the co-creative processes that allow defining the Conceptual Philosophy of the Space or Culinary Environment that will allow in subsequent phases to co-design it with all the members of the value chain.
Pre-Design Strategy
Disciplines such as Marketing, Branding and Communication (understood as a transmedia discipline) are worked on. All of them are developed from the User Experience concept. The diner, understood as a customer, is placed at the center of the gastronomic experience, both of the culinary product and of the architectural space where it is produced and consumed. In this Block, Case Studies are also worked on, which allow us to know the evolution and trends of restaurants. The students will be able to propose new concepts and define the Briefing of the project. In turn, you learn to identify opportunities, analyzing needs and the desires that want to be fulfilled.
Bloque 2
Conceptual design
Concept design of a culinary space
Starting from the definition of the Customer Journey, we first work on the Zoning of the different spaces, their uses and general measurements to from that moment define the Layout. In this Block, disciplines such as Neuroarchitecture, diner anthropology, Artificial Intelligence and Sensory Marketing (audio, video and aroma) applied to space will be worked on. In the various sessions and activities associated with them, you will learn to be able to generate several viable conceptual space designs.
Previous Studies: Research, Exploration and Inspiration
Starting from the development of the project briefing and applying the creative techniques learned in the previous Blocks, the Concept Design phase is worked on, achieving, at the end of the project, to present and share with the client and the rest of the creative team. Techniques such as the Moodboard of references, Look & Feel, Materials, hand sketches, and conceptual renders are used to define the space in 3D, in order to have a common and shared vision with all participating actors.
Bloque 3
Developed Design
Developed Design Of A Culinary Space
This Block seeks to perfect the chosen concept until it becomes a sufficiently developed design that satisfies all the previously defined requirements. Building on Previous Studies, we focus on providing students with a deep understanding of how to effectively carry out a Project. The basic concepts of architecture and engineering that allow obtaining the necessary Licenses are addressed. Students acquire practical skills to manage a project, thus ensuring an agile and efficient result. The Basic Project will be the starting point to be developed in subsequent phases in order to obtain a more technical, defined and constructible document.
Basic Project: Regulations and Licenses
A deep understanding of how to effectively carry out a Basic Architecture and Engineering Project will be achieved by introducing concepts such as the definition of facilities (Electrical, Air Conditioning...) and equipment, both specific furniture for the kitchen area, as well as the necessary furniture and accessories. for the dining room space.
Bloque 4
Technical Design
Technical Design of a Culinary Space
In this phase, plans will be worked on for the Executive Project of the culinary space, both Civil Works and Facilities. The necessary construction details will be defined and how to carry out a Measurement Statement that allows the project to be put out to tender will be developed. Therefore, we get to the detail of knowing the specific measurements and specifications necessary for the manufacturing and construction of any element that makes up the space.
Executive Architecture and Facilities Project
This Block will complement the knowledge necessary to carry out an Executive Project and its implementation, introducing executive tools such as Project Management and Construct Management. From them, concepts such as the Project Management of a project, the coordination of different industrialists and the role that the work carried out by the construction company acquires will be differentiated. The different Procedures and Licenses will also be worked on to be able to carry out the construction work and to be able to start the activity based on the Activity License.
Bloque 5
Facilities Management
Project Management, Production and Construction of a Culinary Space
Concepts such as Project Management and monitoring of the production and construction phases will be worked on. It may seem that the Facility Manager is the specialist who enters the project once it has finished and the activity begins. Even though it is the discipline that is concerned with the culinary space once it is handed over to the Property, its work begins much earlier, even in the initial, more creative phases. Their point of view is decisive in not having deficient spaces and businesses due to errors or oversights in the design and construction phase.
Facilities Management
In this Block, apart from presenting the basic tools of Facility Management and the associated services that must be managed, real Case Studies will be explained as a basis to be taken into account in order to define a good Facility Management Plan for a culinary space throughout the entire its useful life and how to use Facility Management in the most creative previous phases of any culinary environment.
Bloque 6
Trabajo Final De Máster
It will consist of carrying out the interior design of a real project incorporating everything learned in the different Blocks, from the most strategic phase to define the Conceptual Philosophy of the restaurant, passing through the Branding and Interior Design phases as the realization of an Executive Project that include plans, construction details and Measurement Status.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Outcome
Titulación Del Máster en Formación Permanente
Las personas que superen la evaluación del programa y cumplan los requisitos académicos establecidos por la UB obtendrán doble titulación: El título propio de la UB (Universitat de Barcelona) y la titulación del Barcelona Culinary HUB.
Para obtener la titulación propia de la UB es necesario disponer de Titulación Universitaria de Grado (Ingeniería, Licenciatura o Diplomatura). En caso de no disponer de una Titulación Universitaria de Grado, una vez superadas las diferentes evaluaciones, se obtendrá un diploma de extensión universitaria de la UB.