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New Year’s Resolution: Take an Online Course

The broad strokes beauty of 21st-century learning lies in the breadth and depth of information out there, just waiting to be consumed—and our access to it. If you’ve resolved to become a better person this year and learn something new, try taking an online course. You won’t regret it. Take a closer look at five reasons why you should register for that online course right now.

Jun 26, 2024
  • Student Tips
New Year’s Resolution: Take an Online Course

When we think about education, we think about access: do we have what it takes to succeed? Will we get into the schools and programs that we want? But the 21st Century has developed some interesting solutions for these issues. The last decade has seen unprecedented and increased access to the finest education in the world—online and (sometimes) free. Of all the New Year’s resolutions you could have, taking an online course might be one of the smartest. Read on to learn why.

Student with laptop

1. Increase Your Access to Knowledge

The beauty of online learning? You can learn nearly anything you want, anywhere you want. All you need is access to a computer with internet. You can choose any program or course offered by traditional 4-year schools. It doesn’t matter where you live—if something interests you, you can probably find an online course to learn more. Consider Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, a cutting-edge alternative to traditional courses. In some cases, you can even transfer MOOCs to a traditional school for credit. Their beauty? A lot of them are free.

Coursera, an online education platform, offers universal access to hundreds of courses and hundreds of topics at the click of a mouse or the swipe of a finger. Coursera’s added benefit? They partner with some of the finest institutions in the world: Penn, Hopkins, Michigan, Stanford, UCSD, and Duke.

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2. Boost Your Resume

Online courses and programs show current and future employers that you’re serious about learning. Your resume will have that special edge when potential employers see that you’re motivated, committed, and eager to learn. Online courses also show that you’re not afraid to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and learn differently from traditional schools. These skills translate well to a job that requires you to—you guessed it—think outside the proverbial box.

3. Save Money

While some programs are completely free, like Coursera, others charge significantly less than brick-and-mortar options. Think about it: no required textbooks, no student services fees.

Another online platform to consider? Take a look at edX, which offers MicroMaster programs online at some of the world’s finest universities. MIT, Berkeley, and Harvard, for starters, offer courses on edX.

Student girl at the library, she is connecting and using apps on her digital tablet, bookshelves on the background, education and technology concept

4. Self-Improvement and Career Advancements are part of your resolutions anyway…

Every year, you decide to make yourself better in some way—and improve your job situation. Since an online course will no doubt do that, you’ll meet several goals all at once. Consider earning an extra degree all online—and bolster your prospects even more.

Another option for MOOCs? Take a look at courses on FutureLearn, an online platform similar to Coursera and edX, but owned by The Open University. With FutureLearn, students can take free online courses across a variety of disciplines. Not only can you take courses, you can also purchase certificates at the ends of programs and use them to apply to further degree programs or to boost your CV. FutureLearn boasts partners, like the British Museum and Houses of Parliament, in academia and industry from all over the world.

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5. Online courses can help you keep your resolutions

A recent article in The Atlantic highlighted a Harvard-based EdX course called “Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement.” The course’s focus? Adaptive goals versus technical goals. In other words, changing your mindset and behaviors versus learning a skill. That weight you want to lose? Adaptive. Learning how to juggle? Technical. The course teaches students how to look at changes they want to make—and the mindsets that they need to get there. Sound familiar? Go ahead. Fulfill that resolution—and take that online course before you do anything else.

While New Year’s resolutions run the gamut from weight loss to more exercise to reading and writing more, or learning a new skill, they always focus on one thing: improvement. Online courses offer you the opportunity to do just that—and for free. Coursera, EdX, and FutureLearn provide fantastic options at some of the world’s best institutions—all for the time you’re willing to spend. Resolved! Take that online course!